首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Screening for risk of cardiovascular disease is not associated with mental distress: the Inter99 study.

Screening for risk of cardiovascular disease is not associated with mental distress: the Inter99 study.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze mental distress in relation to participation in lifestyle intervention. METHODS: In 2000-2001 a total of 1948 consecutive participants, living in the suburbs of Copenhagen, were asked to complete a short version of SCL-90-R (anxiety, depression, and somatization) before screening, immediately after screening, and one and 10 months after screening. The screening classified participants into high or low risk individuals. High risk individuals received personal lifestyle counselling and were randomized to either group-based counselling (A) or referred care (B). Multilevel regression models taking into account repeated measurements and missing data at follow-up were performed. RESULTS: Before screening, high risk individuals had higher scores on anxiety, depression, and somatization than low risk individuals. All categories of participants decreased in scores after screening. The scores increased after 1 month, but were still significantly lower than before screening. After 10 months, low risk individuals and high risk individuals in group A still had significantly lower scores (except for depression) compared with pre-screening levels, whereas high risk individuals in group B reached the pre-screening level (except for anxiety). CONCLUSION: Screening for risk of cardiovascular disease followed by health counselling does not give rise to mental distress, but has a temporary beneficial effect.
机译:目的:分析与参与生活方式干预有关的精神困扰。方法:在2000-2001年,居住在哥本哈根郊区的1948名连续参与者被要求在筛查之前,筛查之后立即完成SCL-90-R的简短版本(焦虑,抑郁和躯体化),并且筛选后10个月。筛查将参与者分为高风险或低风险个人。高危人群接受了个人生活方式咨询,并被随机分为基于小组的咨询(A)或转诊(B)。进行了多级回归模型,其中考虑了重复测量和随访中的数据丢失。结果:筛查前,高风险个体在焦虑,抑郁和躯体化方面的得分高于低风险个体。筛选后,所有类别的参与者的得分均下降。 1个月后得分增加,但仍显着低于筛查前。 10个月后,A组的低风险个体和高风险个体的得分(抑郁除外)与筛查前相比仍显着降低,而B组的高风险个体达到了筛查前的水平(焦虑除外)。结论:先进行心血管疾病风险筛查,再进行健康咨询不会引起精神困扰,但具有暂时的有益作用。



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