首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Predictors of perceived breast cancer risk and the relation between perceived risk and breast cancer screening: a meta-analytic review.

Predictors of perceived breast cancer risk and the relation between perceived risk and breast cancer screening: a meta-analytic review.


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BACKGROUND: Perceived risk is a principal variable in theoretical models that attempt to predict the adoption of health-protective behaviors. METHODS: This meta-analysis synthesizes findings from 42 studies, identified in PubMed and PsycInfo from 1985 onward. Studies examined demographic and psychological variables as predictors of perceived breast cancer risk and the relationship between perceived risk and breast cancer screening. Statistical relationships, weighted for sample size, were transformed to effect sizes and 95% CIs. RESULTS: Women do not have accurate perceptions of their breast cancer risk (N = 5561, g = 1.10). Overall, they have an optimistic bias about their personal risk (g = 0.99). However, having a positive family history (N = 70660, g = 0.88), recruitment site, and measurement error confounded these results. Perceived risk is weakly influenced by age (N = 38000, g = 0.13) and education (N = 1979, g = 0.16), and is moderately affected by race/culture (N = 2192, g = 0.38) and worry (N= 6090, g = 0.49). There is an association between perceived risk and mammography screening (N = 52766, g = 0.19). It is not clear whether perceived risk influences adherence to breast self-examination. Women who perceived a higher breast cancer risk were more likely to pursue genetic testing or undergo prophylactic mastectomy. CONCLUSION: Perceived breast cancer risk depends on psychological and cognitive variables and influences adherence to mammography screening guidelines.
机译:背景:感知风险是试图预测采用健康保护行为的理论模型中的主要变量。方法:这项荟萃分析综合了从1985年开始在PubMed和PsycInfo中鉴定的42项研究的发现。研究检查了人口和心理变量,这些变量可预测乳腺癌风险以及乳腺癌风险与乳腺癌筛查之间的关系。将按样本量加权的统计关系转换为效应量和95%CI。结果:妇女对乳腺癌风险没有准确的认识(N = 5561,g = 1.10)。总体而言,他们对自己的个人风险持乐观态度(g = 0.99)。但是,具有阳性家族史(N = 70660,g = 0.88),募集部位和测量误差使这些结果感到困惑。感知到的风险受年龄(N = 38000,g = 0.13)和受教育程度(N = 1979,g = 0.16)的影响很小,并且受到种族/文化(N = 2192,g = 0.38)和忧虑(N = 6090,g = 0.49)。感知风险与乳房X线筛查之间存在关联(N = 52766,g = 0.19)。尚不清楚感知到的风险是否会影响对乳房自我检查的依从性。乳腺癌风险较高的女性更有可能进行基因检测或进行预防性乳房切除术。结论:可感知的乳腺癌风险取决于心理和认知变量,并影响对乳腺X线摄影筛查指南的依从性。



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