
Physical inactivity in the Baltic countries.


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BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity is a known risk factor for heart disease and obesity, two major health problems in the Baltic Republics. This study examined patterns of physical activity level in these countries, and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior. METHODS: Data from three national surveys of adults conducted in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1997 were used. Respondents who provided information on their activity level were included in this study (Estonia: n = 2,018; Latvia: n = 2,303; Lithuania: n = 2,140). RESULTS: One in three Estonians and one in five Latvians and Lithuanians had a low physical activity level at work. Half the respondents (Lithuania: 60%, Latvia: 52%, Estonia: 43%) participated only in sedentary activities during their leisure time. Leisure-time sedentarity was inversely related to education level in men and women and with income in men. It was also associated with smoking in men and with inadequate vegetable intake in men and women. CONCLUSIONS: Sedentary behavior during leisure time should be a public health issue in the Baltic Republics. Health promotion strategies aiming at increasing leisure-time physical activity level will need to target the general population, but particularly individuals from lower socioeconomic strata. Copyright 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
机译:背景:缺乏运动是波罗的海共和国的两个主要健康问题,即心脏病和肥胖的已知危险因素。这项研究检查了这些国家的体育活动水平的模式,以及休闲时间久坐行为的相关性。方法:使用1997年在爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚和立陶宛进行的三项全国成人调查数据。提供有关其活动水平信息的受访者包括在该研究中(爱沙尼亚:n = 2018;拉脱维亚:n = 2303;立陶宛:n = 2140)。结果:爱沙尼亚人中有三分之一,拉脱维亚人和立陶宛人中有五分之一的人从事体育活动的水平较低。一半的受访者(立陶宛:60%,拉脱维亚:52%,爱沙尼亚:43%)仅在闲暇时间参加久坐活动。闲暇时的久坐与男性的受教育程度和男性的收入成反比。它也与男性吸烟以及男性和女性的蔬菜摄入不足有关。结论:闲暇时的久坐行为应该是波罗的海共和国的公共卫生问题。旨在提高休闲时间体育锻炼水平的健康促进策略将需要针对一般人群,尤其是来自社会经济较低阶层的人群。版权所有2000美国健康基金会和学术出版社。



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