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Data Shows Link Between Environmental & Economic Performance in Finishing


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The launch of the Strategic Goals Program (SGP) at AESF Week 1998 was met with both enthusiasm and skepticism with respect to what the finishing industry could accomplish with the federal EPA and state/local regulators. This so-called "common sense" project received a top award from none other than then-Vice-President Al Gore for its boldness in seeking to reinvent government and reflected, among other things, a convergence of several industry objectives: (1) Regulatory "Quid Pro Quo" - to test an alternative policy framework that would provide greater regulatory flexibility for firms in exchange for voluntary "beyond compliance" environmental improvement; (2) Industry-Regulator Communication - to position the industry to communicate more effectively with - and be better understood by - regulators; (3) "Bottom Line' Results - to encourage the deployment of a management approach that would deliver "bottom line" results to firms pursuing excellence in their resource uses and waste outputs; (4) Recognition - to focus attention on the solid environmental performance of individual finishers and recast the industry as an environmental steward and leader in the small manufacturing community.
机译:在1998年AESF周上,战略目标计划(SGP)的启动引起了人们的热烈和怀疑,他们对涂饰业可以通过联邦EPA和州/地方监管机构完成的工作表示怀疑。这个所谓的“常识”项目获得了当时的副总统阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)的最高奖项,该奖项是其在寻求重塑政府方面的勇气,并反映了以下几个行业目标的融合:(1)监管“ Quid Pro Quo”-测试替代性政策框架,该框架将为企业提供更大的监管灵活性,以换取自愿的“超越合规”环境改善; (2)行业与监管机构的沟通-使行业定位于与监管机构进行更有效的沟通,并得到监管机构的更好理解; (3)“底线”结果-鼓励采用一种管理方法,向追求卓越的资源利用和废物产出的公司提供“底线”结果;(4)认可-将注意力集中在坚实的环境绩效上的个人完成者,并将行业重塑为小型制造社区中的环境管理者和领导者。



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