首页> 外文期刊>Precambrian Research >Palaeoproterozoic terrane assembly in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex on the Scottish mainland, south of Gruinard Bay: SHRIMP U-Pb zircon evidence

Palaeoproterozoic terrane assembly in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex on the Scottish mainland, south of Gruinard Bay: SHRIMP U-Pb zircon evidence

机译:Gruinard湾南部苏格兰大陆的Lewisian片麻岩复合体中的古元古代地层组合:SHRIMP U-Pb锆石证据

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New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology and fieldwork integrated with reappraisal of earlier mapping demonstrates that the so-called 'southern region' of the mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex comprises a package of distinct tectono-stratigraphic units. From south to north these are the Rona (3135-2889. Ma), Ialltaig (c. 2000. Ma) and Gairloch (ca. 2200. Ma) terranes. These terranes were metamorphosed and deformed separately until ca. 1670. Ma by which time they had been juxtaposed and were integral with terranes to the north. The northern boundary of the Palaeoproterozoic Gairloch terrane is a shear zone, north of which is the Archaean Gruinard terrane with 2860-2800. Ma protoliths and ca. 2730. Ma granulite facies metamorphism. In contrast, south of the Gairloch terrane, the Archaean gneisses of the Rona terrane have older protolith ages, underwent an anatectic event at ca. 2950. Ma and show no evidence of 2730. Ma granulite facies metamorphism. In current structural interpretations the Gruinard terrane forms a structural klippe over the intervening Gairloch terrane. However, the Rona and Gruinard terranes cannot be equivalent on age grounds, and are interpreted as unrelated different entities. Contained within the southern margin of the Gairloch terrane is the Ialltaig terrane, shown here to comprise an exotic slice of granulite facies Palaeoproterozoic crust, rather than Archaean basement as previously thought. The ca. 1877. Ma granulite facies metamorphism of the Ialltaig terrane is the youngest event that is unique to a single terrane in the mainland Complex, making it an upper estimate for the timing of amalgamation with surrounding tectonic units. U-Pb titanite ages of 1670 ± 12. Ma and ca. 1660. Ma for low-strain zones at Diabaig are interpreted to be cooling through the titanite closure temperature after the amphibolite facies reworking of these southern terranes and the southern margin of the Gruinard Terrane. These new data have implications for the tectonic setting of the mainland in relation to the Outer Hebrides and in the wider evolution of the basement in the North Atlantic.
机译:新的SHRIMP U-Pb锆石年代学和野外工作与对早期测绘的重新评估相结合,证明了大陆Lewisian片麻岩复合体的所谓“南部地区”包括一整套独特的构造-地层单元。从南到北分别是Rona(3135-2889。Ma),Ialltaig(c。2000. Ma)和Gairloch(ca. 2200. Ma)地貌。这些地体被分别变形和变形,直到约。 1670年。那时马把它们并置在一起,并与北方的地形融为一体。古元古代盖尔洛奇(Gairloch)地块的北部边界是一个剪切带,其北面是古生代格鲁纳德(Aarchean Gruinard)地块,其地貌为2860-2800。马原石和。 2730.麻粒岩相变质作用。相反,在盖尔洛赫(Gairloch)地块以南,罗纳(Rona)地块的古生片麻岩具有较原始的石器时代,并在约200℃发生了一次阳极作用。 2950年。Ma和2730年无证据。Ma粒岩相变质。在当前的结构解释中,Gruinard地形在中间的Gairloch地形上形成了一个结构性飞剪。但是,Rona和Gruinard地形在年龄上不能相等,因此被解释为无关的不同实体。 Ialltaig地形包含在盖尔洛赫(Gairloch)地块的南部边缘内,此处显示为由异质的片岩相组成的古元古代地壳,而不是以前认为的古生界地下室。该ca。 1877年。Ialltaig地层的Ma麻粒岩相变质是最年轻的事件,是大陆复合体中单个地层所独有的,这使其成为与周围构造单元合并的时间的较高估计。 U-Pb钛矿的年龄为1670±12。 1660年。在这些南部地体和格鲁纳德地体的南部边缘重新形成闪石岩相后,Diabaig低应变区的Ma被解释为通过钛矿封闭温度来冷却。这些新数据对与外赫布里底群岛有关的大陆构造环境以及对北大西洋地下室的广泛演化都有影响。



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