首页> 外文期刊>Prenatal Diagnosis >Do pregnant women and their partners make an informed choice about first trimester risk assessment for Down syndrome, and are they satisfied with the choice?

Do pregnant women and their partners make an informed choice about first trimester risk assessment for Down syndrome, and are they satisfied with the choice?


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Objective All pregnant women in Denmark are offered risk assessment for Down syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate whether women and partners make an informed choice about first trimester risk assessment, and their satisfaction with the choice. Methods A survey using multiple measure of informed choice at 12weeks and decision regret scale at 30weeks, among pregnant women and partners, planning to deliver at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet. Results Five hundred thirty-one women (99.6%) out of 534 women chose to have risk assessment. Most women and men had high degree of knowledge (82% and 81%) and positive attitudes regarding risk assessment (97% and 98%), leading to 79% and 80% making an informed choice. Education predicted knowledge for women (odds ratio 3.42; 95% confidence interval 1.637.18) and partners (odds ratio 2.97; 95% confidence interval 1.376.45), country of origin predicted knowledge, attitude and informed choice among women. Three hundred thirty-two women (99%) and all partners were satisfied with having chosen risk assessment. Conclusions Although 80% of pregnant women and partners make an informed choice about undergoing first trimester risk assessment for Down syndrome, as many as 20% do not. At 30weeks nearly all women and partners were satisfied to have had a risk assessment performed. (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:目的向丹麦的所有孕妇提供唐氏综合症的风险评估。这项研究的目的是调查妇女和伴侣是否对妊娠早期风险评估做出了明智的选择,以及她们对选择的满意度。方法对孕妇和伴侣计划在Rigshospitalet的哥本哈根大学医院分娩的一项调查,采用多种测量方法,在12周时进行知情选择,在30周时进行决策后悔量表。结果在534名女性中,有513名女性(99.6%)选择进行风险评估。大多数男女都具有较高的知识水平(分别为82%和81%)和对风险评估的积极态度(分别为97%和98%),导致79%和80%的人做出了明智的选择。教育预测了女性的知识(几率3.42; 95%的置信区间1.637.18)和伴侣(几率2.97; 95%的置信区间1.376.45),原籍国预测了妇女的知识,态度和知情选择。 332名妇女(99%)和所有伴侣对选择风险评估感到满意。结论尽管80%的孕妇和伴侣对进行唐氏综合症的早孕风险评估做出了明智的选择,但多达20%的人没有这样做。在30周时,几乎所有妇女和伴侣都对进行了风险评估感到满意。 (c)2012年约翰·威利父子有限公司



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