首页> 外文期刊>Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology >Neural tube defects: an analysis of neighbourhood- and individual-level socio-economic characteristics.

Neural tube defects: an analysis of neighbourhood- and individual-level socio-economic characteristics.


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Several studies have reported that neural tube defects (NTD) occur more frequently among children born to women of lower socio-economic status (SES). This study investigated the relationship between individual- and neighbourhood-level SES and the risk of an NTD-affected pregnancy. Data were drawn from a population-based case-control study of fetuses and infants among a cohort of California births between July 1999 and June 2003. Information on individual SES was obtained via telephone interviews with mothers of 337 (76% of eligible) cases and 626 (79% of eligible) non-malformed liveborn controls. Respondents' addresses were linked to the 2000 US Census to characterise six measures of neighbourhood SES (education, poverty, unemployment, occupation, crowding and rental occupancy). The analyses indicated that relative to women with a high school education, those with less than a high school education had a 1.7-fold increased risk of delivering infants with NTDs [95% CI 1.2, 2.6]. Twofold elevated risks for NTDs were observed for women with less than a high school education who lived in neighbourhoods where a majority of residents had not graduated from high school [95% CI 1.3, 3.1]. No consistent risk gradients were observed between NTD-affected pregnancies and indicators of lower neighbourhood SES. Results for phenotype subgroups were similar to those for all cases. Low maternal education was associated with an elevated risk of NTD in offspring. This risk varied by the education profile of the neighbourhood: women who did not graduate from high school and lived in less educated neighbourhoods exhibited a higher risk.
机译:几项研究报告说,在社会经济地位较低的女性所生的孩子中,神经管缺陷(NTD)的发生频率更高。这项研究调查了个人和社区一级的SES与NTD影响妊娠风险之间的关系。数据来自于1999年7月至2003年6月在加利福尼亚州同一队列中的胎儿和婴儿的基于病例的病例对照研究。有关个体SES的信息是通过与337例母亲(符合条件的76%)的母亲进行电话采访获得的, 626(占合格的79%)无畸形的活产对照。受访者的地址与2000年美国人口普查相关联,以表征邻里SES的六项指标(教育,贫困,失业,职业,拥挤和出租率)。分析表明,相对于受过高中教育的妇女,那些受过高中教育的妇女分娩NTD婴儿的风险增加了1.7倍[95%CI 1.2,2.6]。在大多数居民未从高中毕业的社区中,受过中学以下教育的妇女中NTD的风险增加了两倍[95%CI 1.3,3.1]。在受NTD影响的妊娠与较低邻里SES指标之间未观察到一致的风险梯度。表型亚组的结果与所有病例的结果相似。产妇教育程度低与后代NTD风险升高有关。这种风险因所在社区的教育状况而异:未从高中毕业且生活在受教育程度较低的社区中的妇女的风险较高。



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