首页> 外文期刊>Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology >Periconceptional glycaemic load and intake of sugars and their association with neural tube defects in offspring.

Periconceptional glycaemic load and intake of sugars and their association with neural tube defects in offspring.


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In a California population, we previously observed increased neural tube defect (NTD) risks associated with maternal intakes of periconceptional diets predicting higher glycaemic responses and higher sucrose. Our objective here was to replicate these results in a larger study of multiple regions within the United States. This population-based case-control study included deliveries from 1997 to 2003 from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. NTD cases were infants or fetuses born with spina bifida or anencephaly. Infants without malformations were eligible as controls. Interview participation was 71% among case mothers and 68% among control mothers. There were 720 NTD case and 4699 control mothers with completed interviews included in analyses. Diet was assessed using a 58-item food frequency questionnaire focusing on the year before conception, whereas cereals, beverages and supplement use was assessed periconceptionally. We found no increased risks of NTD-affected pregnancies with increased intakes (adjusted for kcal/day) of sucrose, glucose, fructose or with maternal diets with a higher glycaemic load. The reasons for current findings to be inconsistent with previous findings are unknown.
机译:在加利福尼亚人群中,我们先前观察到与孕产妇围产期饮食摄入相关的神经管缺损(NTD)风险增加,预示着更高的血糖反应和更高的蔗糖。我们的目标是在美国多个地区的较大研究中复制这些结果。这项基于人群的病例对照研究包括1997年至2003年国家出生缺陷预防研究的分娩情况。 NTD病例是出生于脊柱裂或无脑的婴儿或胎儿。没有畸形的婴儿有资格作为对照。个案母亲中的受访者参与率为71%,对照母亲中为68%。有720例NTD病例和4699例对照母亲,分析中包括完整的访谈。饮食使用58项食物频率问卷进行评估,重点放在受孕前一年,而谷类,饮料和补充剂的使用则通过概念性评估。我们发现,蔗糖,葡萄糖,果糖的摄入量(按大卡/天计算)增加或血糖负荷较高的孕妇饮食中,经NTD怀孕的风险均未增加。当前发现与先前发现不一致的原因尚不清楚。



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