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Comments on Brodie and Post: Harvest effort: the missing covariate in analyses of furbearer harvest data

机译:关于Brodie and Post的评论:收割努力:精制收割者数据分析中缺少的协变量

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In a recent article, Brodie and Post (2010) present a study intending to examine the relationship between climate change and wolverine (Gulo gulo) populations from six Canadian jurisdictions (BC, AB, SK, MB, YT, and NT). The authors used winter snowpack as a measure of climate change and pelt export data from each jurisdiction as a measure of wolverine population abundance. Pelt export figures were obtained from Statistics Canada, and these are normally very consistent with annual harvest levels of the various furbearers in each jurisdiction, as indicated by Brodie and Post (2010), though reported wolverine harvest in Canadian territories may be biased due to local use of pelts (COSEWIC 2003). However, pelt exports may or may not represent an accurate index of population abundance, which raises questions about the validity of their conclusions.
机译:Brodie and Post(2010)在最近的一篇文章中提出了一项研究,旨在研究气候变化与来自六个加拿大辖区(BC,AB,SK,MB,YT和NT)的金刚狼(Gulo gulo)人口之间的关系。作者使用冬季积雪作为气候变化的量度,并使用每个辖区的毛皮出口数据作为金刚狼种群数量的量度。粗皮出口数据来自加拿大统计局,如Brodie和Post(2010)所示,这些数据通常与每个司法管辖区的各种皮匠的年收成水平非常一致,尽管据报道加拿大地区的金刚狼收成可能因当地情况而有所偏差。使用毛皮(COSEWIC 2003)。但是,毛皮出口可能代表或可能不代表人口数量的准确指数,这引起了有关其结论有效性的疑问。



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