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The global and regional impact of mortality and fertility transitions, 1950-2000


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During the second half of the twentieth century, the world population, and even more so the population of the less developed regions, experienced demographic changes at an unprecedented pace. According to United Nations (1999) estimates, the world's population was 2.521 billion in 1950 and it will be 6.055 billion in mid-2000. This represents a mean annualized growth rate of 1.75 percent per year; the corresponding figure for less developed regions is 2.09 percent per year. The reasons for this unprecedented world population increase are well known, but the numbers remain striking. Global average life expectancy at birth increased by 9.5 years in just 15 years (from 46.5 years in 1950-55 to 56.0 years in 1965-70), while the average life expectancy at birth gained 11.3 years in less developed regions (from 40.9 years to 52.2 years; United Nations 1999), almost certainly the fastest pace in human history (Durand 1967; Coale 1974). During the same period, world average fertility remained stable, as total fertility rates merely declined from 4.99 to 4.91. But in the following 30 years substantial fertility declines occurred in many parts of the world, and, where they did, the pace of the decline was again rapid. The average total fertility rate declined by half in less developed regions, from 6.01 births per woman in 1965-70 to 3.00 births per woman in 1995-2000 (United Nations 1999).
机译:在二十世纪下半叶,世界人口,甚至更不发达地区的人口,以前所未有的速度经历了人口变化。根据联合国(1999)的估计,世界人口在1950年为25.21亿,到2000年中期将为60.55亿。这表示每年的平均年增长率为1.75%;欠发达地区的相应数字为每年2.09%。世界人口空前增长的原因众所周知,但人数仍然惊人。全球平均出生预期寿命在短短15年中增加了9.5岁(从1950-55年的46.5岁增加到1965-70年的56.0岁),而欠发达地区的平均出生预期寿命则增长了11.3岁(从40.9岁到2000年)。 52.2年;联合国,1999年),几乎可以肯定是人类历史上最快的步伐(Durand 1967; Coale 1974)。同期,世界平均生育率保持稳定,总生育率仅从4.99下降至4.91。但是在随后的30年中,世界许多地方的生育率大幅度下降,而且在这种情况下,下降的速度再次迅速。在较不发达地区,平均总生育率下降了一半,从1965-70年的每名妇女生育6.01例,降至1995-2000年的每名妇女3.00例(联合国,1999年)。



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