首页> 外文期刊>Population and Development Review >Bridges to Nowhere: Hosts, Migrants, and the Chimera of Social Capital in Three African Cities.

Bridges to Nowhere: Hosts, Migrants, and the Chimera of Social Capital in Three African Cities.


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Interest in migrant social networks and social capital has grown substantially over the past several decades. The relationship between "host" and "migrant" communities remains central to these scholarly debates. Recently urbanized cities in Africa, which include large numbers of "native-born" or internal migrants, challenge basic presumptions about host/migrant distinctions informing many of these discussions. Using comparable survey data from Johannesburg, Maputo, and Nairobi, we examine 1) the nature of social connectedness in terms of residence and nativity characteristics; and 2) the relationship between residence and nativity characteristics and three measures of trust within and across communities. Our findings suggest that the host/migrant distinction may not be particularly revealing in African cities where domestic mobility, social fragmentation and the absence of bridging institutions result in relatively low levels of trust both within and across communities. These findings underscore the need for new concepts to study "communities of strangers" and how people strategize their social mobility in urban contexts.
机译:在过去的几十年中,对移民社会网络和社会资本的兴趣大大增加。在这些学术辩论中,“主人”社区与“移民”社区之间的关系仍然很重要。非洲最近城市化的城市,其中包括大量的“本地出生”或内部移民,对有关东道国/移民区别的基本假设提出了质疑,从而使许多讨论成为现实。我们使用约翰内斯堡,马普托和内罗毕的可比调查数据,研究了1)居住和出生特征方面的社会联系性质; 2)居住和出生特征之间的关系以及社区内部和社区之间的三种信任度。我们的研究结果表明,在非洲城市中,移居者/移民的区别可能不会特别明显,在非洲城市中,家庭流动,社会分化和缺乏桥接机构导致社区内部和社区之间的信任度相对较低。这些发现强调了对研究“陌生人社区”以及人们如何在城市环境中制定社会流动策略的新概念的需求。



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