首页> 外文期刊>Population and Development Review >More Deaths Than Births: Subnational Natural Decrease in Europe and the United States

More Deaths Than Births: Subnational Natural Decrease in Europe and the United States


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This article examines the prevalence and dynamics of natural decrease in the subnational populations of Europe and the United States. Natural decrease results from interactions between fertility, mortality, and migration over a protracted period. We document the greater incidence and degree of natural decrease in Europe. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, natural decrease occurred in 58 percent of European NUTS 3 areas (counties) compared to only 28 percent of the US counties. Three critical demographic variables (proportion over 65, child-women ratio, and proportion of women of childbearing age) each exert a significant and distinct impact on the likelihood of natural decrease. Our spatial regression models reflect remarkable consistency in the influence of each of these variables in Europe and in the US, demonstrating the similarity in the demographic processes that produce natural decrease.
机译:本文研究了欧洲和美国的次国家人口自然减少的普遍性和动态。自然减少是由于生育率,死亡率和长期迁徙之间相互作用的结果。我们记录了欧洲自然发生率下降的趋势和程度。在二十一世纪的前十年中,欧洲NUTS 3地区(县)中有58%自然减少,而美国只有28%。三个重要的人口统计学变量(65岁以上的比例,妇女与女性的比例以及育龄妇女的比例)均对自然减少的可能性产生重大而独特的影响。我们的空间回归模型反映出在欧洲和美国,每个变量的影响都具有显着的一致性,这表明自然下降的人口统计过程具有相似性。



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