首页> 外文期刊>Poultry Science >Method of administration affects the ability of bacteriophage to prevent colibacillosis in 1-day-old broiler chickens.

Method of administration affects the ability of bacteriophage to prevent colibacillosis in 1-day-old broiler chickens.


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Bacteriophages are viruses that kill bacteria. They are plentiful in nature with no known activity in human or animal cells, making them an attractive alternative to antibiotics. The objective of this research was to determine if a coarse or a fine spray of bacteriophage would prevent colibacillosis induced by an intratracheal (IT) challenge with Escherichia coli. Two studies were conducted with 6 treatments: untreated control, birds treated with a spray administration of bacteriophage and not challenged, birds administered bacteriophage IT and not challenged, birds not treated and challenged IT with E. coli, birds sprayed with bacteriophage and IT challenged with E. coli, and birds administered bacteriophage IT and challenged IT with E. coli. There were 3 replicate pens of 10 birds per pen, per treatment, and all treatments were administered at 1 d of age. Study 1 was concluded when the birds were 19 d of age, and study 2 was concluded when the birds were 21 d of age. In both studies, neither a coarse nor a fine spray protected the birds from an IT E. coli challenge; however, when bacteriophage was administered IT there was complete protection. This research demonstrates the necessity for the administration of bacteriophage therapeutics to deliver high bacteriophage titers to the site of a bacterial infection.
机译:噬菌体是杀死细菌的病毒。它们性质丰富,在人或动物细胞中没有已知活性,因此它们是抗生素的诱人替代品。这项研究的目的是确定粗或细喷雾的噬菌体是否可以预防由气管内(IT)攻击大肠杆菌引起的大肠杆菌病。用6种处理方法进行了两项研究:未处理的对照,经喷雾噬菌体处理且未受到攻击的禽类,经IT细菌处理且未受到挑战的禽类,未经大肠杆菌处理和经IT处理的禽类,经噬菌体喷雾和经IT攻击的禽类大肠杆菌和鸟类管理噬菌体IT,并用大肠杆菌挑战IT。每次处理有3只重复的笔,每只笔10只鸟,所有处理均在1 d龄进行。研究1在鸟龄19 d时结束,研究2在鸟龄21 d时结束。在两项研究中,无论是粗喷雾还是细喷雾都不能保护禽类免受IT大肠杆菌的挑战。但是,当IT给予噬菌体时,它得到了完全的保护。这项研究证明了给予噬菌体治疗剂以将高噬菌体滴度传递至细菌感染部位的必要性。



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