首页> 外文期刊>Poultry Science >Hatchery hygiene evaluation by microbiological examination of hatchery samples

Hatchery hygiene evaluation by microbiological examination of hatchery samples


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This study was conducted to investigate the bacterial contamination of air and the surface of equipment and facilities in hatchery. In addition, the inhibitory effects of formaldehyde application methods on aerosol bacterial counts in the hatchers were also investigated. In the operating hatchers, the contamination of air by aerobic bacteria, coliform, and fungi was high, measuring over 300 cfu/63.6 cm(2). In the egg sorting room, contamination was moderate, whereas in the remaining sampling sites such as the setter room, candling-transfer room, and chick counting room, contamination was minimal, measuring less than 10 cfu/63.6 cm(2) for aerobic bacteria, 5 cfu/63.6 cm(2) for coliform, and 2 cfu/63.6 cm(2) for fungi. The bacterial contamination on the surface of the equipment and facilities showed similar tendencies with that of air. However, on the surfaces of the equipment and facilities in the hatcher room corridors and nonoperating hatchers where the bacterial contamination of the air was low, bacterial counts were high, measuring over 100 cfu/16 cm(2). Salmonella was mainly isolated from the hatcher rooms, chick counting room, and the related equipment and facilities but not from the areas used for the earlier processing step such as the egg receiving room, egg sorting room, setter rooms, and candling-transfer room. The Salmonella serotype that was most frequently isolated from the hatchery was Salmonella Senftenberg. The other occasional Salmonella serotypes such as Salmonella Schwarzengrund, Salmonella Madelia, Salmonella Montevideo, and Salmonella Enteritidis were isolated. The experimental group receiving formaldehyde by constant rate infusion during hatching had a significantly superior inhibitory effect on aerosol bacterial count 4 h before hatching as compared with the group receiving formaldehyde into a basin and the negative control group (P < 0.05).
机译:进行这项研究是为了调查孵化场中空气和细菌以及设备和设施表面的细菌污染。此外,还研究了甲醛施用方法对孵化场中气溶胶细菌数量的抑制作用。在操作中的孵化场中,有氧细菌,大肠菌和真菌对空气的污染很高,超过300 cfu / 63.6 cm(2)。在鸡蛋分选室中,污染程度中等,而在其余采样点(例如,孵化室,烛光传送室和雏鸡计数室)中,污染最小,有氧细菌的污染度小于10 cfu / 63.6 cm(2)。 ,大肠菌群为5 cfu / 63.6 cm(2),真菌为2 cfu / 63.6 cm(2)。设备和设施表面的细菌污染趋势与空气相似。但是,在孵化室走廊和不工作的孵化场的设备和设施表面上,空气中的细菌污染较低,细菌数量很高,超过100 cfu / 16 cm(2)。沙门氏菌主要与孵化室,雏鸡计数室及相关设备和设施隔离,但与早期加工步骤所使用的区域(如蛋接收室,蛋分选室,孵化室和烛光转移室)隔离。从孵化场最常分离出的沙门氏菌血清型是沙门氏菌Senftenberg。分离出其他偶尔出现的沙门氏菌血清型,例如沙门氏菌Schwarzengrund,沙门氏菌马德里亚,沙门氏菌蒙得维的亚和肠炎沙门氏菌。孵化前恒速输注甲醛的实验组对孵化前4 h的气溶胶细菌计数的抑制作用明显优于将甲醛注入盆和阴性对照组的组(P <0.05)。



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