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Better eggshell quality with a gut acidifier


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Because of their pH-reducing and antimicrobial effects, gut acidifiers appear to offer promise as substitutes for antimicrobial growth promoters where the use of the latter is banned or severely restricted. In a recent case study, the use of a gut acidifier improved eggshell quality in a broiler breeder flock. Antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been used for the past five decades to improve the performance of the poultry. Sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics in poultry feed have increased feed efficiency and growth (table 1). The AGPs have been under scrutiny for many years and have been removed from the market by the regulatory authorities in many countries. The usefulness of AGPs has seldom been contested but they are similar to antibiotics used in human medicine and the possibility has been raised that they may contribute to the pool of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
机译:由于它们的pH值降低和抗菌作用,肠酸化剂似乎有望成为抗菌生长促进剂的替代品,而后者的使用被禁止或受到严格限制。在最近的案例研究中,肠道酸化剂的使用提高了肉鸡种鸡群的蛋壳质量。过去五十年来,一直使用抗生素生长促进剂(AGP)来改善家禽的性能。家禽饲料中亚治疗水平的抗生素提高了饲料效率和生长(表1)。 AGP受到了多年的审查,并已被许多国家的监管机构从市场上撤下。很少有人质疑AGP的有效性,但它们与人类医学中使用的抗生素相似,并且有可能提高AGP的抗药性。



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