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EU bans polycarbonate baby bottles from 2011 / European parliament votes on revisions to RoHS directive


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Following the decision of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, Brussels / Belgium; www.efsa.europa.eu) not to revise its recommended total daily intake of bisphenol A (BPA), it appeared the EU would not take any immediate action to ban or restrict the PC and epoxy resins feedstock. But in an unexpected move, the European Commission announced it would ban the chemical in baby bottles from 2011. PlasticsEurope (Brussels / Belgium; www.plasticseurope.org) said it was "deeply disturbed" by the action. The decision to prohibit the manufacture of infant feeding bottles made of polycarbonate from March 2011 and the sale or import of the bottles from June 2011 came after a "qualified majority" of the EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health voted to accept the Commission's proposed directive. France and Denmark already had adopted national measures to restrict BPA in feeding bottles.
机译:继欧洲食品安全局(EFSA,布鲁塞尔/比利时; www.efsa.europa.eu)决定不修改其建议的双酚A(BPA)每日总摄入量后,欧盟似乎不会立即采取任何行动禁止或限制PC和环氧树脂原料。但是,出乎意料的是,欧洲委员会宣布将从2011年起禁止在婴儿奶瓶中使用这种化学药品。PlasticsEurope(布鲁塞尔/比利时; www.plasticseurope.org)表示,这一举动“深感不安”。欧盟禁止食物链和动物健康常务委员会的“合格多数”投票决定,从2011年3月起禁止制造聚碳酸酯制婴儿喂养瓶,并从2011年6月起禁止出售或进口这种奶瓶。委员会建议的指令。法国和丹麦已经采取了国家措施来限制奶瓶中的双酚A。



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