首页> 外文期刊>Plant, Cell & Environment >Cavitation resistance and seasonal hydraulics differ among three arid Californian plant communities

Cavitation resistance and seasonal hydraulics differ among three arid Californian plant communities


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Vulnerability to water stress-induced cavitation was measured on 27 woody shrub species from three arid plant communities including chaparral, coastal sage and Mojave Desert scrub. Dry season native embolism and pre-dawn water potential, and both wet and dry season xylem specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were measured. Cavitation resistance, estimated as water potential at 50% loss in conductivity (Psi50), was measured on all species during the wet season and on a subset of species during the dry season. Cavitation resistance varied with sampling season, with 8 of 13 sampled species displaying significant seasonal shifts. Native embolism and water potential were useful in identification of species displaying seasonal shifts. The Ks was not different among sites or seasons. The Psi50 varied among species and communities. Within communities, interspecific variation may be partially explained by differences in rooting depth or leaf habit (evergreen, semi-deciduous, deciduous). Communities diverged in their Psi50 with chaparral species displaying the greatest cavitation resistance regardless of sampling season. The greater cavitation resistance of chaparral species is surprising, considering the greater aridity of the Mojave Desert site. Adaptation to arid environments is due to many plant traits, and aridity does not necessarily lead to convergence in cavitation resistance.
机译:对来自三个干旱植物群落(包括丛林,沿海鼠尾草和莫哈韦沙漠灌木丛)的27种木质灌木物种进行了水分胁迫诱导的空化的脆弱性测量。测量了干旱季节的自然栓塞和黎明前的水势,以及干燥季节和干燥季节的木质部比水力传导率(Ks)。在潮湿季节对所有物种和干旱季节对部分物种进行测量,以50%的电导率(Psi50)时的水势来估计抗气蚀性。抗气蚀性随采样季节而变化,在13个采样物种中有8个表现出明显的季节性变化。天然栓塞和水势可用于识别显示季节性变化的物种。各站点或季节之间的K值没有差异。 Psi50在物种和群落之间有所不同。在群落中,种间差异可能部分通过生根深度或叶片习性(常绿,半落叶,落叶)的差异来解释。群落的Psi50差异很大,无论取样季节如何,丛林动物都表现出最大的抗空化作用。考虑到莫哈韦沙漠地区的干旱程度更高,丛林物种的更高抗气蚀性令人惊讶。适应干旱环境归因于许多植物性状,而干旱并不一定会导致抗气蚀性趋同。



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