首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Insects >Distributions of Invasive Arthropods across Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes in Southern California: Aridity as a Key Component of Ecological Resistance

Distributions of Invasive Arthropods across Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes in Southern California: Aridity as a Key Component of Ecological Resistance




Urban systems often support large numbers of non-native species, but due to the heterogeneity of urban landscapes, species are not evenly distributed. Understanding the drivers of ecological resistance in urban landscapes may help to identify habitats that are most resistant to invasion, and inform efforts to model and conserve native biodiversity. We used pitfall traps to survey non-native ground-dwelling arthropods in three adjacent, low-elevation habitat types in southern California: California sage scrub, non-native grassland, and suburban development. We found that non-native species were fewer and less widely distributed in the sage scrub and grassland habitats. Due to the proximity of our sites, differences in propagule pressure is an unlikely explanation. Instead, we suggest that the absence of water subsidies in the sage scrub and grassland habitats increases those habitats’ resistance to arthropod invasions. Comparisons to studies conducted at fragments closer to the coast provide further support for the relationship between aridity and invasibility in southern California. Our findings highlight that inland fragments are important for conserving native arthropod diversity, that models of non-native species distributions in arid and semi-arid urban systems should include aridity measures, and that reducing resource subsidies across the region is critical to mitigating spread of non-natives.
机译:城市系统通常支持大量的非本地物种,但是由于城市景观的异质性,物种分布不均。了解城市景观中生态抗性的驱动因素可能有助于确定最能抵御入侵的栖息地,并为建立和保护本地生物多样性提供参考。我们使用陷阱陷阱在加利福尼亚南部的三个相邻的低海拔生境类型中调查了非本土的地面节肢动物:加利福尼亚鼠尾草灌木丛,非本土草地和郊区发展。我们发现,鼠尾草灌木丛和草地栖息地中的非本地物种分布越来越少。由于我们的地点接近,因此繁殖压力的差异不太可能解释。相反,我们建议在鼠尾草灌木丛和草地栖息地中缺乏水补贴,可以增加这些栖息地对节肢动物入侵的抵抗力。与在更接近海岸的地区进行的研究的比较为加利福尼亚南部地区的干旱与入侵之间的关系提供了进一步的支持。我们的发现强调,内陆碎片对于保护节肢动物多样性至关重要,干旱和半干旱城市系统中非本地物种分布的模型应包括干旱措施,减少整个地区的资源补贴对于缓解非节肢动物的传播至关重要。 -本地人。



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