首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Engineering Science >Influence of additive content of anionic polymer dispersant on dense alumina suspension viscosity

Influence of additive content of anionic polymer dispersant on dense alumina suspension viscosity


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This paper reports on a new method to anaJyze the adsorbed structure of an anionic polymer dispersant on an alumina powder surface in dense suspension ith different additive content by using an atomic force microscope (AFM). Anionic polymer dispersants were adsorbed on both the polished surface of a thin piece of sintered alumina and the surface of alumina powders in dense alumina suspension. After separation of the thin alumina piece and a clear layer from the dense suspension achieved by centrifugal sedimentation method, the adsorbed structure and electrosteric interactions of polymer dispersion on the polished surface of the sintered alumina were examined by using AFM. At an optimum additive content, "hich 'as obtained at the minimum viscosity of suspension, the maximum repulsive force was observed. At this point the adhesi"e force between the alumina surface and the tip of the AFM cantilever almost disappeared. With an excess addition of polymer dispersant, a decrease of electrosteric repulsion force was observed because the free polymers in solution compressed the adsorbed pol)'Iners. Both the decrease of electrosteric repulsion and the re-bridging of the dispersant between particles caused an increase of the suspension "iscosity.
机译:本文报道了一种新的方法,通过原子力显微镜(AFM)分析阴离子聚合物分散剂在致密悬浮液中氧化铝粉末表面的吸附结构,该悬浮液具有不同的添加剂含量。阴离子聚合物分散剂吸附在一块烧结氧化铝的抛光表面和致密氧化铝悬浮液中的氧化铝粉末表面上。在通过离心沉降法从致密的悬浮液中分离出薄氧化铝片和透明层之后,通过AFM检查了聚合物分散体在烧结氧化铝的抛光表面上的吸附结构和电空间相互作用。在最佳添加剂含量下,即在最小悬浮液粘度下获得的“高”,观察到了最大排斥力。此时,氧化铝表面和AFM悬臂尖端之间的粘附力几乎达到不见了在过量添加聚合物分散剂的情况下,观察到电立体斥力的降低,因为溶液中的游离聚合物压缩了吸附的P 1 -In 2。静电斥力的降低和颗粒之间分散剂的再桥联都引起悬浮液粘度的增加。



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