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Citing domestic need for gas, Buffett questions wisdom of LNG exports


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Warren Buffett on last week expressed skepticism about the export of natural gas from the US, citing the need to preserve the resource for coming generations. “I don’t think if you have a national treasure,” Buffett said, “you should go around looking for ways to export it if you know it’s finite and you know 100 years from now or 200 years from now your great-great-great-grandchildren are going to be looking back at the policies you followed and wondering ‘Why did they decide to get rid of a very precious natural resource?’ “ Speaking to the Edison Electric Institute convention in Las Vegas, the high-profile investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway noted that the US has recently experienced a “reawakening” in natural gas and oil, given the discoveries of untapped reserves, but said the resource should still be treated as finite.
机译:沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)上周对美国天然气出口表示怀疑,理由是有必要为子孙后代保留这一资源。巴菲特说:“我不认为您拥有国宝,如果知道它是有限的并且您知道从现在开始100年或从现在开始200年,您应该四处寻找出口的方法,曾孙曾孙将回顾您所遵循的政策,并想知道“他们为什么决定摆脱非常珍贵的自然资源?”“在拉斯维加斯举行的爱迪生电气学院大会上,著名投资者和伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)首席执行官指出,鉴于未开发储量的发现,美国最近经历了天然气和石油的“苏醒”,但他表示资源仍应视为有限。



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