首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Taphonomic field experiments and the role of the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative

Taphonomic field experiments and the role of the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative


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Fossilization of organism remains is the result of biological, physical, and chemical processes at work in the environment of deposition. The pathways taken by the remains of organisms through death, decay, burial, and diagenesis (known as taphonomic pathways) affect the fossil record of life in important ways, from complete removal and recycling of remains to preservation of hard parts and sometimes to exceptional preservation of soft tissues. Our understanding of taphonomic processes informs our interpretations of the fossil record and helps in the reconstruction of ancient environments. Research into taphonomic pathways in modern environments provides important insight into the fossilization process. In 1993, a group of paleontologists formed the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative (SSETI) and began a long-term comparative study of taphofacies and differential decay of taxonomic groups by placing experimental arrays containing bivalves, gastropods, decapod crustaceans, sea urchins, and wood species at multiple marine shelf and slope sites in the Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico. The goal of SSETI is to observe taphonomic processes over a period of decades to better understand taphonomic pathways for these various groups of taxa in a wide variety of depositional environments beyond the shallow near shore region. This special volume brings together eight studies that are the result of the SSETI program. The focus of this contribution is to first review the body of published work concerned with the fossilization process through the experimental manipulation of the remains of organisms in modern marine environments. We also present the methods of the SSETI project and its contributions to our understanding of taphonomic processes in relation to carbonate and wood recycling and preservation.
机译:有机物遗体的化石化是沉积环境中生物,物理和化学过程的结果。有机物的残骸通过死亡,腐烂,埋葬和成岩作用所采取的途径(被称为Thophonomic途径)以重要方式影响化石的生命记录,从残骸的完全清除和回收再到硬部分的保存,有时甚至是特殊的保存软组织。我们对透声过程的理解有助于我们对化石记录的解释,并有助于重建古代环境。对现代环境中的透声途径的研究为化石过程提供了重要的见识。 1993年,一组古生物学家成立了“货架和坡度实验Taphonomy倡议”(SSETI),并通过放置包含双壳类,腹足纲动物,十足纲甲壳类动物,海胆和巴哈马和墨西哥湾多个海洋架子和斜坡站点的木材种类。 SSETI的目标是观察几十年来的胶结过程,以更好地了解浅岸附近区域以外各种沉积环境中这些不同分类群的胶结途径。这本特别的书汇集了SSETI计划的八项研究成果。该贡献的重点是首先通过对现代海洋环境中生物的残留物进行实验操作来回顾与化石过程有关的已发表论文的主体。我们还介绍了SSETI项目的方法及其对了解碳酸盐,木材回收利用和防腐相关的自发过程的贡献。



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