首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Palaeolinmological evidence for widespread late 18th century drought across equatorial East Africa

Palaeolinmological evidence for widespread late 18th century drought across equatorial East Africa


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The sediment records of three shallow climate-sensitive lakes in equatorial East Africa (Chibwera and Kanyamukali in western Uganda, and Baringo in central Kenya) contain clear lithological evidence of an episode of complete desiccation in the relatively recent past. Quantitative stratigraphic analyses of bulk sediment composition, texture (% sand and coarse organic detritus), the ON ratio of bulk organic matter, and magnetic susceptibility allowed us to define a common succession of sedimentary units in all three takes. This common stratigraphy includes a basal unit of dry and stiff low-organic clays capped by a horizon of peaty mud or peat, overlain by organic lake sediment. We interpret this stratigraphy to represent an episode of (nearly) complete desiccation of these lake basins. This was followed first by an early phase of modest lake refilling, during which time extensive littoral and submerged vegetation developed, producing peaty lake deposits. Mostly higher lake levels later on resulted in deposition of fine-grained lake muds. Using Pb-210 and Cs-137 activity profiles combined with four AMS C-14 dates on single terrestrial plant macrofossils or multiple charred grass particles indicate that in all three lakes the episode of most recent complete desiccation occurred in the late 18th and early 19th century. These results add to an accumulating body of palaeoenvironmental data revealing a prolonged period of extreme drought in equatorial East Africa about 200 years ago, also documented in the cultural history of the African Great Lakes region. Given the geographical spread of the study lakes across the East African plateau, these results indicate that the climatic anomaly of reduced rainfall responsible for this drought was at least sub-continental in scale. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:赤道东非的三个对气候敏感的浅水湖泊(乌干达西部的奇布韦拉和坎亚穆卡利,以及肯尼亚中部的巴林戈)的沉积物记录清楚地表明了相对较近时期完全干燥的事件。对大量沉积物组成,质地(砂和粗有机碎屑的百分比),大量有机物的ON比和磁化率进行定量地层分析,使我们能够确定这三种构造中常见的沉积单元序列。这种常见的地层包括一个干燥而坚硬的低有机粘土的基底单元,上面覆盖着一层层的泥质泥煤或泥煤,上面覆盖着有机湖泊沉积物。我们将这一地层学解释为代表了这些湖盆地(几乎)完全干燥的一个时期。首先是适度的湖泊再填充的早期阶段,在此期间,广泛的沿海和淹没植被得到发展,产生了粉状湖沉积物。后来,大多数湖水位较高,导致了细粒湖泥的沉积。将Pb-210和Cs-137的活动曲线与单个陆地植物大化石或多个烧焦的草屑上的四个AMS C-14日期结合使用表明,在这三个湖泊中,最近的完全干燥发生在18世纪末和19世纪初。这些结果增加了不断积累的古环境数据,揭示了大约200年前赤道东非的长期极端干旱,这也记录在非洲大湖地区的文化历史中。考虑到整个东非高原上研究湖泊的地理分布,这些结果表明,造成干旱的降雨减少的气候异常至少在次大陆上。 (c)2007年由Elsevier B.V.



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