首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Are productivity and stratification important to sapropel deposition? Microfossil evidence from late Pliocene insolation cycle 180 at Vrica, Calabria

Are productivity and stratification important to sapropel deposition? Microfossil evidence from late Pliocene insolation cycle 180 at Vrica, Calabria


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We present the results of a micropaleontological study performed on the sapropel sequence associated with insolation cycle 180 from the Plio-Pleistocene Vrica sequence (Calabria, Italy). We performed a high-resolution study on the 3.38-n-thick layer c from a core drilled close to the classical outcrop section in which we analyze fluctuations in the abundance and composition of calcareous nannofossils and planktic and benthic foraminifera. Changes in the fossil assemblages reveal at lest three major paleoenvironmental phases in layer c. The base of the sapropel contains an abrupt decrease in benthic fauna that continues through all of layer c. It also has an increase of the coccolithophorids species Coccolithus pelagicus. Planktic foraminifera show at the same depth a peak of the cold species Globorotalia scitula. These changes are followed by decreases in the carbonate preservation index and in abundance of Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinita uvula and Neogloboquardina pachyderma (sinistral), which suggest cold and highly productive upwelling waters. A short interval in the middle of the sapropel is characterized by low values of C. pelagicus, a fluctuating increase of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa and among the foraminifera an increase of Globigerinoides ruber together with the presence (although decreased) of G. glutinata, G. uvula and N. pachyderma (sinistral). We interpret these features as suggesting high seasonality with warm stratified and probably oligotrophic waters during summer and relatively cold conditions during winter. Finally, the topmost interval of the Vrica layer c exhibits the re-appearance of P. lacunosa together with abundant siliceous phytoplankton. Planktic microfauna show the disappearance of the cold species G. glutinata, G. uvula and N. pachyderma (sinistral). Thus this interval appears to be characterized by warmer temperature. The transition from the laminated to the massive sediment displays a sequence of events, including a decrease of the carbonate preservation index and peaks of Globorotalia inflata and G. scitula, suggesting again upwelling and mixing of the whole water column and, thus, transition to the oxygenated conditions characterizing the massive layer. Neither increased productivity nor stratification appear to characterize the whole sapropel interval, which is, however, always dysoxic.
机译:我们提出了与古有机物Vrica序列(Calabria,意大利)的日晒周期180相关的腐殖质序列进行的微古生物学研究的结果。我们在靠近经典露头部分的岩心上对3.38 n厚c层进行了高分辨率研究,在其中分析了钙质纳米化石以及板状和底栖有孔虫的丰度和组成的波动。化石组合的变化至少揭示了c层中的三个主要古环境阶段。腐殖质的基部包含底栖动物的突然减少,并持续贯穿整个c层。它还增加了球墨鱼种球藻Coccolithus pelagicus。浮游有孔虫在相同深度处显示了寒冷物种globorotalia scitula的峰值。这些变化之后,碳酸盐保存指数下降,谷粒大球藻,大球藻和新球藻厚皮病(正弦)减少,表明上升的冷水。腐殖质中间的时间间隔较短,其特征是远洋梭状芽胞杆菌的值较低,假单胞菌的波动增加,有孔虫中的Globigerinoides ruber的增加,以及谷氨酸棒杆菌,小球藻的存在(尽管减少)。和N. pachyderma(正宗)。我们将这些特征解释为,表明季节性高,夏季有温暖的分层且可能是贫营养的水,而冬季则相对寒冷。最后,Vrica层c的最上层间隔显示了P. lacunosa的重新出现以及丰富的硅质浮游植物。浮游微动物区系显示冷种G. glutinata,G。uvula和N. pachyderma(正弦)的消失。因此,该间隔似乎表现为温度升高。从层状沉积物到大量沉积物的过渡过程显示出一系列事件,包括碳酸盐保存指数的下降以及Globorotalia inflata和G. scitula的峰值,这表明整个水柱再次上升并混合,从而过渡到氧化条件是块状层的特征。生产率的提高和分层都没有表现出整个腐植土层的特征,然而,腐植土层总是缺氧的。



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