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Mid-Pliocene warm climate and annual primary productivity peaks recorded in sapropel deposition


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The Mid-Pliocene deposition in the Northern Apennines includes finely laminated sapropelitic horizons (insolation-cycles i-292 to i-282; 3.058 to 2.983 Myr) intervening within the slope-basin deposition of the foredeep, during a late highstand dated to the Globorotalia bononiensis zone. An integrated sedimentological, geochemical and micropaleontological study of the sapropel-bearing succession allowed the estimation of the time involved in the sapropel layer deposition, and to define the origin of the organic matter and the contribution of the primary productivity. The calculated average sedimentation rate of the section, including the intervening bioturbated beds, was about 0.4 mm yr(-1)-similar to the rest of the pelitic deposition during the whole Pliocene. Within individual sapropels, recurrently-spaced 0.3 to 0.6 mm thick laminae consisting of calcareous and/or siliceous plankton tests, alternating with pyrite- and organic-rich mudstones, were interpreted as the record of annual variation in the supply. We could thus calculate the duration of individual sapropels by simply counting the number of couplets occurring in the layers: these spanned between 7500 and 10 000 yr. The kerogen content of the sapropels is >= 65 % marine origin, whereas the same component in the intervening bioturbated intervals is similar to 10%. This supports the hypothesis that the sapropel deposition is linked to significant primary productivity peaks. In contrast, changes in the terrigenous supply or strong disoxia were not recorded at the bottom. Taking the nutrient supply as constant, productivity peaks could then be forced mainly by variations in the intensity of the insolation. The latter, is linked to the precession minima and has a wide oscillation; this oscillation occurred even at the end of the Mid-Pliocene warm climate, which was mainly characterized by a progressive climate deterioration that heralded the Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
机译:在亚平宁山脉北部的上新世中部沉积包括精细叠层的腐生层(i-292至i-282; 3.058至2.983 Myr的日射周期),其间可追溯到可追溯到Globorotalia的晚期高台期间。 bononiensis带。对含腐草层演替的沉积,地球化学和微古生物学的综合研究,可以估算参与腐草层沉积的时间,并确定有机物的来源和初级生产力的贡献。计算得出的包括中间生物扰动床在内的该断面的平均沉积速率约为0.4 mm yr(-1),与整个上新世期间其余的胶质沉积有关。在单个腐殖质中,由钙质和/或硅质浮游生物组成的周期性间隔0.3至0.6毫米厚的薄片,与富含黄铁矿和富含有机物的泥岩交替,被解释为每年供应变化的记录。因此,我们可以通过简单地计算各层中出现的couple联的数量来计算各个腐烂物的持续时间:它们的跨度在7500到10000年之间。腐殖质的干酪根含量> = 65%海洋来源,而中间的生物扰动区间中的相同成分相似于10%。这支持了prop石沉积与显着的初级生产力峰值相关的假设。相反,底部没有记录到陆源供应的变化或强烈的二氧化氮。将养分供应量定为常量,然后可能主要由于日照强度的变化而迫使生产力达到峰值。后者与进动极小值相关,并且波动很大;这种振荡甚至发生在上新世中期温暖的气候结束时,其主要特征是气候逐渐恶化,预示着北半球的冰川活动。



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