首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >A centennial scale organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst record of the last deglaciation in the South Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean)

A centennial scale organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst record of the last deglaciation in the South Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean)


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A high-resolution study of sea surface temperature (SST) and primary productivity changes during the last deglaciation in the South Adriatic Sea is presented on the basis of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts), compared with stable oxygen and carbon isotope records derived from Globigerina bulloides. Two more defined warming phases between 14.75 and 14.10 cal kyr BP (GI-1e) and between 13.85 and 13.25 cal kyr BP (GI-1c), and perhaps a mild one between 12.95 and 12.60 cal kyr BP (GI-1a), interrupted by two cold events between 14.10 and 13.85 cal kyr BP (GI-1d) and between 13.25 and 12.95 cal kyr BP (GI-1b) are highlighted. Weaker SST oscillations occurred within the relatively stable periods GS-2a (17.00-14.75 cal kyr BP), GS-1 (or Younger Dryas, 12.60-11.60 cal kyr BP) and Early Holocene. Several dinocyst proxies used to evaluate surface primary productivity suggest that the cold events GI-1d and GI-1b are associated with episodes of both enhanced primary productivity and, perhaps, improved organic matter preservation due to reduced deep water formation. Phases of more pronounced increased surface primary productivity without stagnation in bottom waters are recorded during GI-1c and early GS-1. Freshwater (Po River) discharge seems to be the cause of enhanced productivity during event GI-1c (at 13.4 cal kyr BP) and, probably, during GI-1d.
机译:在南亚得里亚海最后一次冰消期间海面温度(SST)和主要生产力变化的高分辨率研究是基于有机壁的鞭毛藻囊肿(dinocysts),与稳定的氧和碳同位素记录相比Globigerina Bulloides。在14.75和14.10千卡BP(GI-1e)之间以及在13.85到13.25千卡BP(GI-1c)之间还有另外两个确定的升温阶段,也许在12.95到12.60千卡BP(GI-1a)之间是温和的。分别在14.10和13.85 cal yr BP(GI-1d)和13.25和12.95 cal yr BP(GI-1b)之间的两次冷事件中突出显示。在相对稳定的时期GS-2a(17.00-14.75 cal yr BP),GS-1(或Younger Dryas,12.60-11.60 cal yr BP)和早期全新世发生了较弱的SST振荡。用来评估地表初级生产力的几种藻类代名词表明,寒冷事件GI-1d和GI-1b与初级生产力提高以及由于减少深水形成而改善有机物保存相关。在GI-1c和早期GS-1期间记录了底水更显着增加的地表初级生产力而没有停滞的阶段。淡水(蒲河)的排放似乎是在事件GI-1c(在13.4 cal kyr BP)期间以及在GI-1d期间生产力提高的原因。



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