
Modern pollen/climate calibration for southern South America


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Using the response surface technique a modern pollen/climate calibration is presented for the mid-latitudes in southern South America between latitudes 39°S and 44°S, extending from the west coast in Chile across the Andes into the Patagonian steppe region. The climate parameters identified that relate to the present-day pollen distribution of the nine most important pollen types (Nothofagus dombeyi-type, Nothofagus oblique-type, Podocarpus, Weinmannia, Caldcluvia/Eucryphia-type, Cupressaceae, Myrtaceae, Misodendrum and steppe-types) are summer precipitation, summer and winter temperatures. Using the modern pollen/climate data set, three fossil pollen records (Mallin Aguado and Lago Moreno, east of the Andes, and Caunahue, west of the Andes) are interpreted in terms of these three seasonal climate parameters. Despite intervals of no-analog fossil pollen assemblages, the reconstruction shows similar climate trends on both sides of the Andes during the last 21000 cal. yr BP (17000 YR BP), with summer precipitation as low or markedly lower than today prior to 17000 cal. yr BP (14500 yr BP), as high or higher than today between 15000 and 12500 cal. yr BP (12500 and 10500 yr BP), and again lower than today between 12500 and 8000 cal. yr bp (10500 and 7200 yr BP). summer and winter temperatures were low (or high) when summer precipitation was high (or low).
机译:使用响应面技术,对南美南部中纬度介于39°S和44°S之间的现代花粉/气候标定进行了介绍,从智利的西海岸穿过安第斯山脉一直延伸到巴塔哥尼亚草原地区。确定的气候参数与当今九种最重要的花粉类型(Nothofagus dombeyi型,Nothofagus斜型,罗汉松,Weinmannia,Calcdluvia / Eucryphia型,Cupressaceae,Myrtaceae,Misodendrum和草原类型的花粉分布有关)是夏季降水,夏季和冬季的温度。使用现代花粉/气候数据集,根据这三个季节性气候参数解释了三个化石花粉记录(安第斯山脉以东的Mallin Aguado和Lago Moreno,安第斯山脉以西的Caunahue)。尽管没有模拟化石花粉组合的间隔,但重建显示在最近的21000 cal期间,安第斯山脉的两侧都有相似的气候趋势。年BP(17000 YR BP),夏季降水比今天低或明显低于17000 cal之前的今天。 yr BP(14500 yr BP),在15000和12500 cal之间与今天一样高或更高。 yr BP(12500和10500 yr BP),并且再次低于今天的12500和8000 cal之间。年bp(10500和7200年BP)。当夏季降水高(或低)时,夏季和冬季温度低(或高)。



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