首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Late-quaternary paleoclimates of the southern tropical Andes and adjacent regions

Late-quaternary paleoclimates of the southern tropical Andes and adjacent regions


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Paleoclimate archives from the Andes of South America contain records of tropical climate variability ranging from glacial-interglacial variations in mean climate to interannual changes such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. This rich mosaic of information can be used to look at long-term trends in climatic change in the tropics as well as higher-resolution events that have had impacts on prehistoric and modern cultures. This special issue is a compendium of papers that are an outgrowth of the workshop, 'Paleoclimates of the Central Andes', held 11-16 January 2000 at the University of Arizona, convened by J. Betancourt, J. Quade, and G. Seltzer and funded by the US NSF Earth System History program and the InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research.
机译:来自南美洲安第斯山脉的古气候档案包含热带气候变异的记录,范围从平均气候的冰间变化到每年的变化,例如厄尔尼诺南方涛动(ENSO)事件。这些丰富的信息可以用来查看热带地区气候变化的长期趋势以及对史前和现代文化产生影响的高分辨率事件。本期特刊是论文的简编,是由J. Betancourt,J。Quade和G. Seltzer于2000年1月11日至16日在亚利桑那大学举行的“中央安第斯山脉古气候”研讨会的成果。由美国NSF地球系统历史计划和美洲全球变化研究所提供资金。



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