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Quaternary sandstones, northeast Jordan: Age, depositional environments and climatic implications


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OSL dating of weakly consolidated, root-bound, non-calcareous quartz arenites in northeast Jordan, currently assigned to the Plio-Pleistocene Azraq Formation, suggests a Middle Pleistocene (652 +/- 47 ka) age. The sandstones are up to 15.5 m thick and overlain by a 2.5 m thick Holocene gypcrete caprock. Facies and textural analyses suggest that the sandstones are predominantly aeolian in origin, mainly derived from Tertiary sediments exposed close to the depositional site. The sands were transported by the prevailing NW winds and deposited in a broad, relatively flat sand sheet environment. Rhizoliths occur throughout the sandstones, mainly as long, downward tapering, vertical tap roots, rarely branched and with few laterals. Microscopic examination of root cores replaced by carbonate reveals the presence of alveolar fabrics, possible needle fibre calcite, calcified organic filaments of fungal, root vessel and root hair origins, characteristic of low magnesium beta calcretes, typical of humid climates.
机译:OSL年代为约旦东北部的弱固结,根部结合,非钙质石英芳构岩,目前被划分为上新世阿兹拉格岩层,表明中更新世年龄(652 +/- 47 ka)。砂岩厚达15.5 m,上面覆盖着2.5 m厚度的全新世石膏盖层。相和质地分析表明,砂岩主要为风成岩,主要来自靠近沉积点的第三纪沉积物。沙尘随盛行的西北风运输,并沉积在宽广,相对平坦的沙层环境中。根际岩层遍布整个砂岩,主要表现为长的,向下逐渐变细的,垂直的自攻根,很少分支且几乎没有侧向。显微镜下检查被碳酸盐替代的根核,发现存在肺泡织物,可能的针状纤维方解石,真菌的钙化有机细丝,根管和根毛起源,低镁β钙质的特征,这是潮湿气候的典型特征。



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