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The Indigenous Pepper of the Mysore Ghauts


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In the heavy jungles of the Mysore Ghauts, where the annual rainfall averages three hundred inches, there are found four varieties of the indigenous pepper-piper nigrum-but only two are of any commercial value. The Canarese define the good kinds simply as "wollay dod menasoo" and "wollay san menasoo", literally "good big pepper" and "good small pepper." The other kinds are called "nai menasoo" ("dog pepper") indiscriminately, and may be here dismissed in a few words. The flowers and fruit outwardly closely resemble the good varieties, but the fruit is lacking in pungency, and to smell and taste both are disagreeable. The leaves and bark are totally dissimilar, the former being small and pointed and the latter in old vines deeply corrugated, compared with the large broad leaves and comparatively smooth bark of the valuable kinds.
机译:在迈索尔古豪斯(Mysore Ghauts)茂密的丛林中,年平均降雨量为300英寸,发现了四种本土胡椒胡椒黑变种,但只有两种具有商业价值。 Canarese简单地将好种类定义为“ wollay dod menasoo”和“ wollay san menasoo”,字面上是“好大辣椒”和“好小辣椒”。其他种类不加区别地称为“ nai menasoo”(“狗胡椒”),在这里可以用几句话将其消除。花和果实在外观上与优良品种极为相似,但果实缺乏刺激性,气味和味道均令人讨厌。叶子和树皮完全不同,前者小而尖,而旧葡萄树中后者深深地起皱,与之相比,宽阔的叶子和相对光滑的树皮是有价值的。



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