首页> 外文期刊>Plant Systematics and Evolution >Morphological variation, genetic diversity and genome size of critically endangered Haberlea (Gesneriaceae) populations in Bulgaria do not support the recognition of two different species.

Morphological variation, genetic diversity and genome size of critically endangered Haberlea (Gesneriaceae) populations in Bulgaria do not support the recognition of two different species.


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Haberlea is one of the few Gesneriaceae genera that has entered Europe. It is a highly endangered genus and red-listed in Bulgaria. Two species, H. rhodopensis and H. ferdinandi-coburgii, have been described to occur in Bulgaria, but this has never been addressed systematically. Here, we used molecular ISSR markers, morphological and nuclear DNA content to investigate the taxonomic and genetic status of Haberlea in Bulgaria. We found low levels of genetic diversity but significant genetic differentiation among the 12 investigated populations, with a strong separation between Balkan Mountain populations in the north and Rhodope Mountain populations in the south. However, the multivariate morphological analyses did not support such a division. The population from near Lovech, the type locality of the putative species H. ferdinandi-coburgii, did not differ in ploidy level from H. rhodopensis and did not form a separate entity in neither of the analyses and the existence of this species is therefore not supported.
机译:Haberlea是进入欧洲的为数不多的Gesneriaceae属之一。它是高度濒危的属,在保加利亚被列入红色名录。据报道,保加利亚有两个物种,H。rhodopensis和H. ferdinandi-coburgii,但从未系统地解决过。在这里,我们使用了分子ISSR标记,形态学和核DNA含量来调查保加利亚哈贝利娅的分类和遗传状况。我们发现在12个调查种群中遗传多样性较低,但遗传分化显着,北部的巴尔干山种群和南部的罗多彼山种群之间存在强烈的分离。但是,多元形态学分析不支持这种划分。来自Lovech附近的种群(假定种H. ferdinandi-coburgii的类型局部性)在倍数水平上与H. rhodopensis并无差异,并且在两种分析中均未形成独立的实体,因此该种的存在不是支持的。



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