首页> 外文期刊>Plant Species Biology >Seed germination responses of Cereus jamacaru DC. ssp. jamacaru (Cactaceae) to environmental factors.

Seed germination responses of Cereus jamacaru DC. ssp. jamacaru (Cactaceae) to environmental factors.

机译:蜡果蜡DCDC的种子萌发响应。 ssp。 jamacaru (仙人掌科)对环境的影响。

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In the present study, we assessed the seed germination responses of Cereus jamacaru DC. ssp. jamacaru (Cactaceae) to environmental factors. The seeds were collected from an area within Caatinga, a semiarid vegetation area located in north-eastern Brazil. We determined the optimal temperature for germination of C. jamacaru seeds and evaluated the effect of temperature, light intensity, light quality, water and saline stress on seed germination. Cereus jamacaru was classified as a positive photoblastic species. Maximum germination (95.8+or-2.6%) was found under white light, and seed germination was not observed in darkness in any of the temperature, water or saline stress treatments. The optimum temperature for seed germination was 30 degrees C because this temperature favored most of the parameters evaluated. Seed germinability responded positively to a wide range of temperatures, but was affected neither by light intensity nor by light quality. A reduction in water availability and an increase in saline concentration affected germinability and promoted slower, unsynchronized germination. The positive response of C. jamacaru seed germination to the environmental factors investigated may account for the abundant occurrence and wide distribution of the species in the Caatinga area.
机译:在本研究中,我们评估了蜡状蜡笔猴种子的发芽反应。 ssp。 jamacaru (仙人掌科)对环境的影响。种子是从巴西东北部半干旱植被区Caatinga内的一个地区收集的。我们确定了发芽的最佳温度。 jamacaru 种子并评估温度,光照强度,光照质量,水分和盐胁迫对种子发芽的影响。蜡嘴猴(Cereus jamacaru)被列为阳性光母物种。在白光下发现最大发芽率(95.8±2.6%),在任何温度,水或盐胁迫处理下,在黑暗中均未观察到种子发芽。种子发芽的最佳温度为30摄氏度,因为该温度有利于评估的大多数参数。种子的可发芽性在很宽的温度范围内均呈积极响应,但不受光强度和光质量的影响。水分供应的减少和盐浓度的增加影响了发芽能力,并促进了缓慢,不同步的发芽。 C的积极反应。 jamacaru 种子受环境因素影响而发芽,可能是导致该物种在Caatinga地区大量发生和广泛分布的原因。



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