首页> 外文期刊>Plant Science: An International Journal of Experimental Plant Biology >Puroindoline genes are highly conserved in diploid ancestor wheats and related species but absent in tetraploid Triticum species.

Puroindoline genes are highly conserved in diploid ancestor wheats and related species but absent in tetraploid Triticum species.


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A study was conducted to determine whether puroindoline-like genes are present in wheats of different ploidy levels and in other cereals. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments were conducted on genomic DNA isolated from diploid, tetraploid andhexaploid wheats, and from other cereals. The PCR approach showed that puroindoline genes are present in diploid and hexaploid Triticum species but absent in tetraploid species, and that T. tauschii [Aegilops tauschii] is likely to be the donor of the T. aestivum puroindoline genes. Puroindoline-like genes are present in cereals closely related to wheat (barley, oat and rye) and absent in cereals more distantly related to wheat (maize, rice and sorghum). Barley, oat and rye puroindoline-like sequencesand primary structure of deduced proteins are highly conserved. In oat, avenoindolines are more closely related to puroindolines than to tryptophanins. EMBL accession numbers for the sequences reported in this article are: AJ249929 (pHv71), AJ249928 (pHv111), AJ249930 (pAs52), AJ249931 (pAs3), AJ249932 (pSc64), AJ249933 (pTm31), AJ249934 (pTm83), AJ249935 (pTt11) and AJ249936 (pTt93).
机译:进行了一项研究,以确定在不同倍性水平的小麦和其他谷物中是否存在类嘌呤二氢吲哚样基因。对从二倍体,四倍体和六倍体小麦以及其他谷物中分离的基因组DNA进行了聚合酶链反应(PCR)实验。 PCR方法显示,在二倍体和六倍体小麦属植物中存在嘌呤二氢吲哚基因,而在四倍体物种中不存在,并且tauschii [Aegilops tauschii]可能是普通小麦的puroindoline基因的供体。类似嘌呤吲哚的基因存在于与小麦密切相关的谷物(大麦,燕麦和黑麦)中,而在与小麦关系较远的谷物(玉米,水稻和高粱)中则不存在。大麦,燕麦和黑麦puroindoline样序列和推导蛋白质的一级结构是高度保守的。在燕麦中,avenoindolines与puroindolines的关系比与色氨酸的亲密性更高。本文报道的序列的EMBL登录号为:AJ249929(pHv71),AJ249928(pHv111),AJ249930(pAs52),AJ249931(pAs3),AJ249932(pSc64),AJ249933(pTm31),AJ249934(pTm83),AJ249935(pTt11) )和AJ249936(pTt93)。



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