首页> 外文期刊>Plant Physiology and Biochemistry >Metabolic indicators of drought stress tolerance in wheat: Glutamine synthetase isoenzymes and Rubisco

Metabolic indicators of drought stress tolerance in wheat: Glutamine synthetase isoenzymes and Rubisco


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Drought stress has a considerable impact on the ecosystem and agriculture. Continuous water deficit induces early leaf senescence in plants. During this process, chloroplasts are degraded and photosynthesis drastically drops. The objective of this investigation was to look into the regulation of nitrogen and carbon metabolism during water deficit. Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; EC and the total protein contents inform us of the sink-source relation in plants. Glutamine synthetase (GS, EC isoenzymes are good markers of plastid status (GS2) and the nitrogen metabolism (GS1).Tolerant and sensitive wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were tested, which are widely used in agriculture. The amount of protein, Rubisco and GS isoforms in leaves were measured during the grain filling period, as indicative traits that ultimately determine the onset and stage of senescence. The symptoms of senescence first appeared on the oldest and finally on the youngest leaves. Drought stress disrupted the sequentiality of senescence in the sensitive varieties. An untimely senescence appeared in flag leaves, earlier than in the older leaves. Total protein and Rubisco contents decreased and the GS2 isoenzyme declined considerably in the youngest leaves. In the tolerant varieties, however, these physiological parameters did not change under drought, only the sequential senescence of leaf levels accelerated in some cases compared to the control, well-watered plants. Our results revealed that GS is a good indicator of drought stress, which can be applied for the characterization of wheat cultivars in terms of drought stress tolerance.
机译:干旱压力对生态系统和农业有相当大的影响。持续的水分缺乏会导致植物早期叶片衰老。在此过程中,叶绿体被降解,光合作用急剧下降。这项研究的目的是研究缺水期间氮和碳代谢的调控。 Rubisco(1,5-二磷酸核糖羧化酶/加氧酶; EC和总蛋白含量告诉我们植物中的库源关系。谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS,EC同工酶是质体状态(GS2)和氮代谢(GS1)的良好标志物。在籽粒充实期测量叶片中蛋白质,Rubisco和GS同工型的数量,作为最终确定衰老的开始和阶段的指示性状。衰老的症状首先出现在最老的叶子​​上,最后出现在最年轻的叶子上。干旱胁迫破坏了敏感品种的衰老顺序。早于较早的叶片出现在旗叶中的不合时宜的衰老。最年轻叶片的总蛋白和Rubisco含量下降,GS2同工酶下降。然而,在耐性品种中,这些生理参数在干旱条件下没有改变,与对照,浇水良好的植物相比,在某些情况下仅叶片的顺序衰老加速了。我们的研究结果表明,GS是干旱胁迫的良好指标,可将其用于小麦品种的耐旱性鉴定。



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