首页> 外文期刊>Plant Ecology >Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii (Alliaceae): an isoclonal plant foundacross a range of habitats in SW England

Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii (Alliaceae): an isoclonal plant foundacross a range of habitats in SW England


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Despite the widespread distribution and common habitat dominance of clonal plant species the mechanisms for their ecological success often remain uncertain. Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii is a sterile plant that reproduces with physiologically independent asexual propagules. The variety is found mainly in the S.W. of England over a wide habitat range including sea cliffs and open woodlands and displays an autumn-spring phenology in common with its close Mediterranean relatives. The role of population genetic structure in the remarkable habitat distribution of the variety is not known. Genetic variation in A. ampeloprasum var. babingtonii was analysed using RAPD markers in single individuals of var. babingtonii from 16 distinct populations and five further individuals from a single population. This analysis revealed no polymorphism suggesting that all sampled individuals are part of a single clone. We offer the conjecture that in the absence of genetic variation an ecological release, due to temporal separation from competing species, may contribute to the ability of var. babingtonii to exploit heterogeneous environmental conditions.
机译:尽管克隆植物物种分布广泛且具有常见的栖息地优势,但其生态成功的机制通常仍然不确定。葱属变种巴比通氏菌是一种不育植物,具有生理独立的无性繁殖体。该品种主要在西南地区发现。英格兰的栖息地范围很广,包括海崖和开阔的林地,并表现出与其近亲地中海共同的秋春季物候学。种群遗传结构在该物种显着的生境分布中的作用尚不清楚。 A. ampeloprasum var。的遗传变异。使用RAPD标记对var。来自16个不同种群的巴宾顿犬,以及来自单个种群的另外5个个体。该分析显示没有多态性,表明所有采样的个体都是单个克隆的一部分。我们提供这样的推测:在没有遗传变异的情况下,由于与竞争物种的暂时分离,生态释放可能会促进var的能力。巴宾尼氏菌可利用多种环境条件。



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