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Regional variation in Caribbean dry forest tree species composition


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How does tree species composition vary in relation to geographical and environmental gradients in a globally rare tropical/subtropical broadleaf dry forest community in the Caribbean? We analyzed data from 153 Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), along with 42 plots that we sampled in the Bahamian Archipelago (on Abaco and Eleuthera Islands). FIA data were collected using published protocols. In the Bahamian Archipelago, we recorded terrain and landscape variables, and identified to species and measured the diameter of all stems a parts per thousand yen5 cm at 1.3 m height in 10 m radius plots. All data were analyzed using clustering, ordination, and indicator species analysis at regional and local scales. Regionally, the largest cluster group included over half of all plots and comprised plots from all three island groups. Indicator species were native Bursera simaruba (Burseraceae) and Metopium toxiferum (Anacardiaceae). Species composition was similar to dry forests throughout the region based on published studies. Other groups we identified at the regional scale consisted of many Puerto Rico and USVI plots that were dominated by non-native species, documenting the widespread nature of novel ecosystems. At the local scale the Bahamian data clustered into two main groups corresponding largely to the two islands sampled, a pattern consistent with the latitudinal aridity gradient. Bahamian dry forests share previously undocumented compositional similarity with native-dominated dry forests found throughout the Caribbean, but they lack extensive post-disturbance novel dry forests dominated by non-native trees found in the Greater Antilles.
机译:在加勒比地区全球罕见的热带/亚热带阔叶干旱森林群落中,树种组成与地理和环境梯度的关系如何变化?我们分析了来自波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛(USVI)的153个森林清单和分析(FIA)地块的数据,以及我们在巴哈马群岛(阿巴科和伊路塞拉群岛)上采样的42个地块的数据。 FIA数据是使用已发布的协议收集的。在巴哈马群岛,我们记录了地形和景观变量,并根据物种进行了识别,并在半径为10 m的地块中以1.3 m的高度测量了所有茎的直径(千分之5cm)。所有数据均使用聚类,排序和指标物种分析在区域和地方范围内进行分析。从区域上看,最大的集群群占所有地块的一半以上,包括来自所有三个岛屿群的地块。指示物种是原生的Bursera simaruba(蒲桃科)和Metopium toxiferum(Anacardiaceae)。根据已发表的研究,物种组成与整个地区的干旱森林相似。我们在区域范围内确定的其他群体包括许多波多黎各和USVI地块,这些地块以非本地物种为主,记录了新型生态系统的广泛性质。在地方尺度上,巴哈马的数据分为两个主要组,主要与所采样的两个岛屿相对应,其模式与纬度干旱梯度一致。巴哈马干旱森林与整个加勒比地区发现的以本地为主导的干旱森林在成分上没有先前记载的相似性,但它们缺乏大规模的骚乱后新颖的干旱森林,而该地区的新干旱森林以大安的列斯群岛中的非本地树木为主导。



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