首页> 外文期刊>Plant Ecology >Analysis of interactions between the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and the native black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia).

Analysis of interactions between the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and the native black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia).

机译:分析入侵的天堂之树(臭椿)和本地刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)之间的相互作用。

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Invasive exotic plants can persist and successfully spread within ecosystems and negatively affect the recruitment of native species. The exotic invasive Ailanthus altissima and the native Robinia pseudoacacia are frequently found in disturbed sites and exhibit similar growth and reproductive characteristics, yet each has distinct functional roles such as allelopathy and nitrogen fixation, respectively. A four-month full additive series in the greenhouse was used to analyze the intraspecific and interspecific interference between these two species. In the greenhouse experiment, the inverse of the mean total biomass (g) response per plant for each species was regressed on the density of each species and revealed that the performance of the plants was significantly reduced by interspecific interference and not by intraspecific interference (p<0.05). Other biomass traits such as root dry weight, shoot dry weight, stem dry weight, and leaf dry weight were also negatively affected by interspecific interference. Competition indices such as Relative Yield Total and Relative Crowding Coefficient suggested that A. altissima was the better competitor in mixed plantings. Ailanthus altissima consistently produced a larger above ground and below ground relative yield while R. pseudoacacia generated a larger aboveground relative yield in high density mixed species pots.
机译:外来入侵植物可以在生态系统中持续存在并成功传播,并对本地物种的征募产生负面影响。外来入侵种臭椿和天然刺槐经常在受干扰的地方发现,并表现出相似的生长和繁殖特性,但各自分别具有不同的功能作用,如化感作用和固氮作用。在温室中进行了为期四个月的全添加剂试验,以分析这两个物种之间的种内和种间干扰。在温室实验中,每种植物的平均总生物量(g)响应的倒数与每种物种的密度成反比,表明通过种间干扰而不是种内干扰,植物的性能显着降低(p <0.05)。种间干扰也对根系干重,枝干重,茎干重和叶干重等其他生物量特性产生负面影响。诸如相对总产量和相对拥挤系数的竞争指数表明,A。altissima在混种种植中是更好的竞争者。臭椿在高密度混合种盆中始终产生较高的地上和地下相对产量,而假山金车菌产生较大的地上相对产量。



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