首页> 外文期刊>Physics and Chemistry of Liquids >Prediction and mathematical correlation of the solubility of fluorene in alcohol solvents based upon the Abraham general solvation model

Prediction and mathematical correlation of the solubility of fluorene in alcohol solvents based upon the Abraham general solvation model


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The Abraham general solvation model is used to predict the saturation solubility of crystalline nonelectrolyte solutes in organic solvents. The derived equations take the form of log(C_S/C_W) = c + rR_2 + sπ_2~H + aΣα_2~H + bΣβ_2~H + vV_x log(C_S/C_W) = c + rR_2 + sπ_2~H + aΣα_2~H + bΣβ_2~H + llogL~(16) where C-S and C_W refer to the solute solubility in the organic solvent and water, respectively, C_G is a gas phase concentration, R_2 is the solute's excess molar fraction, V_x is McGowan volume of the solute, Σα_2~H and Σβ_2~H are measures of the solute's hydrogen-bond acidity and hydrogen-bond basicity π_2~H denotes the solute's dipolarity/polariability descriptor, and L~(16) is the solute's gas phase dimensionless Ostwald partition coefficient into hexadecane at 298 K. The remaining symbols in the above expressions are known coefficients, which have been determined previously for a large number of gas/solvent and water/solvent systems. Computations show that the Abraham general solvation model predicts the observed solubility behavior of fluorene in 10 alcohol solvents to within an average absolute deviation of about ±15%.
机译:亚伯拉罕的一般溶剂化模型用于预测晶体非电解质溶质在有机溶剂中的饱和溶解度。导出的方程采用log(C_S / C_W)= c + rR_2 +sπ_2〜H +aΣα_2〜H +bΣβ_2〜H + vV_x log(C_S / C_W)= c + rR_2 +sπ_2〜H +aΣα_2〜H +的形式bΣβ_2〜H + llogL〜(16)其中CS和C_W分别表示溶质在有机溶剂和水中的溶解度,C_G是气相浓度,R_2是溶质的过量摩尔分数,V_x是溶质的McGowan体积, Σα_2〜H和Σβ_2〜H是溶质氢键酸度和氢键碱度的量度π_2〜H表示溶质的双极性/极化性描述子,L〜(16)是溶质在气相中无量纲的奥斯瓦尔德分配给十六烷的分配系数298K。以上表达式中的其余符号是已知系数,该系数先前已针对大量气体/溶剂和水/溶剂系统确定。计算表明,亚伯拉罕的一般溶剂化模型预测芴在10种醇溶剂中的观察到的溶解度行为在约±15%的平均绝对偏差内。



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