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Evaluation of foliar fungicides on corn diseases and yield in southwestern Indiana, 2014


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Plots were established at the Southwest Purdue Agronomy Center (SWPAC) in Knox County. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with four replications. Plots were 10ft wide and 30ft long, and the two center rows were used for evaluation.The previous crop was soybeans. Field tillage, fertilizer, and weed control were managed according to standard practices. Corn hybrid P1343AM1 was planted in 30-in. row spacings at a rate of 32,000 seeds/A on 6 May using a John Deere six row planter. Fungicide applications were applied with a CO2 pressurized backpack sprayer and 5 ft hand-held boom fitted with four TJ-VS 8001 nozzles spaced 20 in. apart, which delivered 15 gal/A at 40 psi. Fungicides were applied on 14 Jul at the VT/R1 growth stage. Disease severity was assessed on 28 Aug at the R5 growth stage. Disease severity was rated by visually assessing the percentage of symptomatic leaf area of the ear leaf on 5 plants per plot. Values for each plot were averaged before analysis. The center 5ftof each plot was harvested with a Kincaid plot combine on 6 Oct. Grain yield, moisture, and test weight were collected and yields were adjusted to 15.5% grain moisture before analysis. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were comparedat the 0.05 significance level using Fisher's protected least significant difference (LSD) test.
机译:在诺克斯县的西南普渡大学农学中心(SWPAC)建立了样地。实验是一个随机的完整模块设计,有四个重复。地块宽10英尺,长30英尺,使用两排中心进行评估。以前的农作物是大豆。田间耕作,化肥和杂草控制均按照标准规范进行。玉米杂交种P1343AM1种植在30英寸中。 5月6日使用John Deere六行播种机,行距为32,000种子/ A。杀菌剂的应用是采用二氧化碳加压背包式喷雾器和5英尺手持式动臂进行的,该动臂配有四个TJ-VS 8001喷嘴,它们之间的间距为20英寸,在40 psi下的压力为15 gal / A。在VT / R1生长阶段,于7月14日施用了杀菌剂。在8月28日R5生长阶段评估疾病的严重程度。通过肉眼评估每块地上5株植物上有耳叶片有症状叶面积的百分比来对病害严重程度进行评级。在分析之前,将每个图的值取平均值。在10月6日,用Kincaid联合收割机收获每块田地中央5英尺。收集谷物产量,水分和测试重量,并在分析前将产量调整为15.5%谷物水分。对数据进行方差分析,并使用Fisher最低保护显着性差异(LSD)测试在0.05显着性水平上比较均值。



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