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Test of copper fungicides for fire blight and primary apple scab control on Nittany apple, 2012


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Fourteen treatments involving an early season copper application were tested for fire blight blossom blight, early season scab control, and potential for fruit russetting caused by copper residue. The test strategies were1) to apply copper treatmentsat delayed dormant (approximately 1/2”-greentip) with and without a follow-up streptomycin (FireWall) application at bloom and 2) to spray-inoculate blossom clusters in the tops of the test trees to promote secondary infection throughout the tree. The test was conducted on 31-yr-old trees with a 28-ft row spacing in a randomized block design with four single-tree replicates. Copper treatments were applied dilute to run-off on 22 Mar, (Application #1, Trts #2-14; 1/4”-green- tight cluster). On 2 Apr, at early bloom, four groups of blossoms in the top of each tree were inoculated by spraying a suspension of E. amylovora(1X10~6 cfu/ml) in each inoculation site. On 3 Apr, follow-up streptomycin was applied at pink-30% bloom to treatments #1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 13, and 14. After a period of cool weather, which was unfavorable for natural fire blight development, a water spray was applied to the test orchard to increase the potential for infection in the absence of natural wetting during warmer weather at late bloom-petal fall 16 Apr. This was applied by airblast at 100 gal per acre. Scab and cedar-apple rust developed from inoculum naturally present in the test area. Fire blight strikes were counted on 21 May. Foliar fungal diseases were assessed on ten flower cluster leaf sets per tree on 23 May and on the first ten leaves of ten shoots per tree on 22 Aug. Fruit data are based on 25-fruit sample taken and rated on 23 Aug. Late season fungicides, applied to all but non-treated trees, included Captan 80WDG30 oz + Ziram 3 lb/A applied 10 Jul, 26 Jul, 2 Aug, and 15 Aug and Pristine 14.5 oz + Captan 80WDG 30 oz/A applied 29 Aug. Maintenance materials applied to the entire test block with the same equipment included Asana XL + oil, Assail, Altacor, Calypso,Delegate, Imidan, Lannate LV, and Provado. Percentage data were converted by the square root arcsin transformation for statistical analysis (mean separation Waller-Duncan t-test).
机译:测试了14种涉及早季施用铜的处理方法的火疫病,花早疫病,早期结control病防治以及因铜残留引起的果实变褐的可能性。试验策略是:1)在开花后不进行后续链霉素(FireWall)施药的情况下,在延迟的休眠状态下(约1/2” -greentip)施用铜​​处理剂; 2)在试验树的顶部喷雾接种花簇。促进整个树的继发感染。该测试是在31棵老树上进行的,该树的行间距为28英尺,采用随机区组设计,具有四个单树重复项。 3月22日,铜处理被稀释用于径流(应用编号1,Trts 2-14; 1/4英寸-绿密团)。 4月2日,在早花期,通过在每个接种部位喷洒淀粉小球菌悬浮液(1X10〜6 cfu / ml)来接种每棵树顶部的四组花朵。 4月3日,后续的链霉素以粉红色30%的花粉施于#1、3、5、7、9、11、13和14处理。经过一段凉爽的天气,不利于自然火疫病因此,在4月16日晚些时候盛开的花瓣秋天,在温暖的天气中,在没有自然湿润的情况下,向试验果园喷洒水以增加感染的可能性。这是通过对每加仑100加仑的喷枪进行的。从试验区天然存在的接种物中产生的疮和雪松苹果锈病。 5月21日发生了白叶枯病袭击。在5月23日对每棵树上十个花簇叶组和8月22日对每棵树上十个芽的前十个叶上评估了叶真菌病。水果数据是基于8月23日采集并定级的25种水果样本得出的。 ,适用于所有未经处理的树木,包括Captan 80WDG30 oz + Ziram 3 lb / A,适用于7月10日,7月26日,8月2日和8月15日以及Pristine 14.5 oz + Captan 80WDG 30 oz / A,适用于8月29日。使用Asana XL +油,Assail,Altacor,Calypso,Delegate,Imidan,Lannate LV和Provado相同的设备应用于整个测试块。百分比数据通过平方根反正弦变换进行转换以进行统计分析(均值分离Waller-Duncan t检验)。



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