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Evaluation of selected fungicides for control of foliar diseases of soybean in Kentucky, 2009.


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A conventionally tilled, non-irrigated soybean fungicide trial was planted following corn 20 May at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton, KY. The soil type was Crider silt loam. Plots consisted of 6 rows, 20 ft long, with a between-row spacing of 15 in. and a seeding rate of 11.7 seeds/ft. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete-block design with five replications. A 12 ft alley separated blocks. Weeds were controlled by applying 32 fl oz/A Round-up herbicide on 7 Jul. Fungicide treatments were applied as a foliar spray on the following dates (reproductive growth stages): 24 Jul (R3) and 14 Aug (R5.5). Fungicide sprays were applied using a CO2-pressurized hand-held sprayer fitted with 6 nozzles containing Lurmark 02F80 spray tips, delivering 15 gal/A at 50 psi. Brown spot severity was assessed 14 Sep by arbitrarily selecting 10 leaves from the center two rows the upper part of the soybean canopy of each plot and visually estimating the percentage of leaflet area affected. The extent of leaf defoliation within each plot was measured on 21 Sep by using a LI-COR (LI-2000) plant canopy analyzer. The center four rows in each six-row plot (16 ft length) were harvested on 19 Oct using a Wintersteiger Delta plotcombine. Yields were adjusted to standard moisture content and were based on a 60 lb/bu test weight.
机译:5月20日玉米播种后,在肯塔基州普林斯顿的肯塔基大学研究与教育中心进行了常规耕种,未灌溉的大豆杀菌剂试验。土壤类型为Crider粉壤土。地块由6行,20英尺长的行组成,行间距为15英寸,播种率为11.7种子/英尺。将治疗安排在随机完整区组设计中,重复五次。一个12英尺的小巷分隔街区。通过在7月7日施用32 fl oz / A的除草剂来控制杂草。在以下日期(生殖生长阶段)以叶面喷洒杀真菌剂:7月24日(R3)和8月14日(R5.5)。使用装有6个装有Lurmark 02F80喷嘴的喷嘴的CO2加压手持喷雾器进行杀菌剂喷雾,在50 psi下的压力为15 gal / A。于9月14日评估了褐斑病的严重程度,方法是从中部两行的大豆冠层上部的两行中任意选择10片叶子,并目测估计受影响的小叶面积百分比。使用LI-COR(LI-2000)植物冠层分析仪于9月21日测量了每个田地中的叶片脱叶程度。 10月19日,使用Wintersteiger Delta绘图机在每行六行(长度为16英尺)的中央四行收割。将产量调整为标准水分含量,并基于60磅/蒲式耳的测试重量。



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