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Fire blight blossom blight suppression on Idared apple, 2009.


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Two experimental materials and two rates of a copper product (C-O-C-S) were compared to streptomycin (Firewall) for blossom blight control and fruit finish effects. The test was established in four randomized blocks on 27-yr-old trees, using single-tree replications with border rows between treatment rows. All treatments were applied to both sides of the tree with a Swanson Model DA-400 airblast sprayer at 100 gal/A on the morning of 17 Apr (most clusters with king bloom open), and repeated on 24 Apr(full bloom) and 28 Apr (all petals off). The test strategy was to inoculate after the first two applications, but to make a third application without a follow-up inoculation. Four selected branches per tree, each with 25 to 40 blossom clusters, were inoculated by spraying to drip with a bacterial suspension containing 1X10~6CFU/ml Erwinia amylovora in the evening of the first two treatment days (17 Apr and 24 Apr). Infection data were based on counts of number of blossom clusters present at the firstinoculation. A cluster was rated as infected if it had at least one blossom with fire blight symptoms on 30 Apr or one cluster leaf with symptoms on 11 May. Maintenance materials, applied to the entire block with a commercial airblast sprayer, included Rally, Dithane, Asana + oil, Calypso, and Imidan.
机译:比较了两种实验材料和两种比率的铜产品(C-O-C-S)与链霉素(防火墙)的控制花期病和水果收尾效果。使用单棵树复制,在处理行之间有边框行,在27岁树上的四个随机区组中建立了该测试。所有处理均于4月17日早晨使用100 gal / A的Swanson Model DA-400空气喷射喷雾器对树的两侧进行处理(大多数簇开了王花),并于4月24日(盛开)和28日重复4月(所有花瓣都关闭)。测试策略是在前两次应用后接种,但在不进行后续接种的情况下进行第三次应用。在前两个处理日(4月17日和4月24日)晚上,通过喷雾滴注每棵树上四个选定的分支,每个分支具有25到40个开花簇,并用含有1X10〜6CFU / ml支链淀粉欧文氏菌的细菌悬浮液喷雾滴注。感染数据基于首次接种时出现的花簇数。如果一个簇在4月30日至少有一朵有枯萎病症状的花朵或在5月11日有一个簇有症状的簇叶片被评定为感染。用商用喷枪将整个维护块上的维护材料包括Rally,Dithane,Asana +油,Calypso和Imidan。



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