首页> 外文期刊>Plant diversity and evolution ephylogeny, biogeography, structure and function >The situation of Trollius europaeus L. (Ranuncu-laceae) in the north-east of Central Europe —history, current changes and conservation

The situation of Trollius europaeus L. (Ranuncu-laceae) in the north-east of Central Europe —history, current changes and conservation


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tane to (sub-)alpine elevations or in boreal environments in most parts of its range. In the north-easternlowlands of Central Europe T.europaeus has experienced a considerable decline since the 1960s,basically due to intensive agricultural land use. It is a threatened species in this region today. Informa-tion from different sources was compiled to summarize the historic distribution as well as the changesto date for this region and to give an overview on its current status in north-eastern Germany andnorthern Poland. A smaller study area was chosen for a survey of localities from which T europaeus has previouslybeen reported or is known to be present. Data on presence or absence, population size and type of landuse were recorded. The general trend of decline in occupied localities could be confirmed for therepresentative study area and demonstrates that, despite conservation efforts, the loss of populationsstill continues. Most extant populations were found to be small and more than half of them persistunder presumably unfavourable habitat conditions. The efficiency of protection efforts and future di-rections to improve conservation strategies for T europaeus are discussed.
机译:在其范围的大部分范围内,向(亚)高山海拔或寒带环境退缩。自1960年代以来,在中欧的东北低地,欧罗巴虫的数量已大幅下降,这主要是由于农业土地集约利用造成的。它是当今该地区的受威胁物种。汇编了来自不同来源的信息,以总结该地区的历史分布以及迄今的变化,并概述其在德国东北部和波兰北部的现状。选择了一个较小的研究区域来调查T europaeus以前曾报告或已知存在过的地方。记录有关存在与否,人口规模和土地利用类型的数据。可以在该代表性研究区域确认被占领地区下降的总体趋势,这表明尽管进行了保护工作,但人口流失仍在继续。发现大多数现存种群很小,其中一半以上在可能不利的栖息地条件下生存。讨论了保护工作的效率以及今后为改善欧洲对虾保护战略所采取的方针。



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