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Susceptibility of some Eastern forest species to Phytophthora ramorum.


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We tested some common Eastern forest species for their reaction to stem and leaf inoculation with Phytophthora ramorum, the pathogen that causes sudden oak death. Stem lesions were produced on inoculated seedlings of 12 Eastern forest species following 72 to 76 days of incubation in a containment greenhouse cubicle at 20 degrees C. Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) and white oak (Q. alba) were followed by northern red oak (Q. rubra) in susceptibility to stem inoculation. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and black walnut (Juglans nigra) were more resistant to stem inoculation than most of the oak species tested. P. ramorum was isolated on selective medium at distances of up to 8 mm from stem lesion margins. Foliar lesions were observed within 7 days when seedlings were inoculated with 5,000 sporangia/ml followed by incubation at 20 degrees C in a dew chamber. Chestnut oak was followed by tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and coast live oak (Q. agrifolia) in susceptibility to P. ramorum by foliar inoculation. Chestnut oak, an ecologically important species in parts of the Eastern United States, emerged as the most susceptible host tested in both stem and foliar inoculations. The results indicate that, under controlled conditions, P. ramorum is able to infect some important Eastern forest species and cause lesions on stems and foliage. It remains to be determined whether infection of these species by P. ramorum would occur under natural conditions..
机译:我们测试了一些常见的东部森林物种对接种疫霉菌(Phytophthora ramorum)的茎和叶的反应,疫霉菌是导致橡树突然死亡的病原体。在20摄氏度的密闭温室中孵化72至76天后,在12种东部森林树种的接种苗上产生茎部病害。 Q. rubra)对茎接种的易感性。糖枫(Acer saccharum)和黑胡桃(Juglans nigra)比大多数测试的橡树种对茎接种的抵抗力更高。在与茎部病灶边缘最远8 mm的选择性培养基上分离了P. ramorum。接种5,000孢子囊/ ml幼苗后在7天内观察到叶面病变,然后在露水室内于20摄氏度孵育。栗树橡树之后是tanoak(Lithocarpus densiflorus)和沿岸生橡树(Q. agrifolia),通过叶面接种对ramorum易感。栗树橡树是美国东部部分地区的重要生态物种,在茎和叶接种中均被测试为最易感宿主。结果表明,在受控条件下,拉美假单胞菌能够感染一些重要的东部森林物种,并引起茎和叶的损害。在自然条件下是否会发生拉美假单胞菌对这些物种的感染尚待确定。



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