首页> 外文期刊>Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: An International Journal on in Vitro Culture of Higher Plants >Acidogenic growth model of embryogenic cell suspension culture and qualitative mass production of somatic embryos from triploid bananas

Acidogenic growth model of embryogenic cell suspension culture and qualitative mass production of somatic embryos from triploid bananas


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A young male flower-derived embryogenic suspension cell population of AAA 'Pei Chiao', 'Dwarf Cavendish', and AAB 'Raja' was used for developing an acidogenic growth model. We hypothesized that a close relationship exists between the self-regulated pH medium and the corresponding changes in the growth phases. Studies have reported that a pH below 4.6 may prevent the embryogenic cells from undergoing polar growth. Controlling pH up to a level 4.6 within 2 days during the changes of pre-embryogenic cells (PECs) and proembryogenic masses into embryogenic determined cells (EDCs) uniformly resulted in unequal cell division. The hydrogen ion buffer 2-N-morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid at 10 g L-1 was added to MA2 and MA3 media, showing the medium pH of MA3 up to 5.0, thus maintaining a relatively stable pH in AAA 'Pei-Chiao' and AAB 'Raja' cells that autoregulate acidification, significantly increasing the number of somatic embryos. When the proliferation and globularization phases were acidified to pH 3.5 +/- 0.2, cells were released to free single cells of PECs and EDCs after 21 days. This study provides possible explanation that PECs deposit callose on their cell walls as a possible protector from strong acidic condition. Regulation at pH 5.0 +/- 0.2 resulted the production efficiency achieved was 0.9 million somatic embryos per 1 mL of the settled cell volume.
机译:AAA'Pei Chiao','Dwarf Cavendish'和AAB'Raja'的年轻雄花衍生胚胎发生悬浮细胞群体被用于建立产酸生长模型。我们假设自我调节的pH介质与生长期的相应变化之间存在密切的关系。研究报告称,低于4.6的pH值可能会阻止胚性细胞发生极性生长。在将前胚发生细胞(PEC)和前胚发生质量转变为胚发生确定细胞(EDC)的过程中,在2天内将pH值控制在4.6之内,会导致均匀的细胞分裂。将10 g L-1的氢离子缓冲液2-N-吗啉代乙烷磺酸添加到MA2和MA3介质中,显示MA3的中等pH值高达5.0,从而在AAA'Pei-Chiao'和自动调节酸化的AAB“ Raja”细胞,显着增加了体细胞胚的数量。当增殖和球化阶段酸化至pH 3.5 +/- 0.2时,21天后细胞释放为PEC和EDC的单个细胞。这项研究提供了可能的解释,即PECs在其细胞壁上沉积了愈伤组织,从而可能免受强酸性条件的影响。调节至pH 5.0 +/- 0.2,可实现每1 mL沉降细胞体积90万个体细胞胚的生产效率。



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