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An exactly soluble non-equilibrium system: The asymmetric simple exclusion process


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A number of exact results have been obtained recently for the one-dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process, a model of particles which hop to their right at random times, on a one-dimensional lattice, provided that the target site is empty. Using either a matrix form for the steady-state weights or the Bethe ansatz, several steady-state properties can be calculated exactly: the current, the density profile for open boundary conditions, the diffusion constant of a tagged particle. The matrix form of the steady state can be extended to calculate exactly the steady state of systems of two species of particles and shock profiles. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 61]
机译:最近,对于一维非对称简单排除过程,已经获得了许多精确结果,该模型是在目标位置为空的情况下在一维晶格上随机跳向右方的粒子模型。使用稳态权重的矩阵形式或Bethe ansatz,可以精确计算出几种稳态性质:电流,开放边界条件的密度分布,标记粒子的扩散常数。可以将稳态的矩阵形式扩展为精确计算两种粒子和冲击分布图的系统的稳态。 (C)1998 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:61]



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