
Superconductivity in one dimension




Superconducting properties of metallic nanowires can be entirely different from those of bulk superconductors because of the dominating role played by thermal and quantum fluctuations of the order parameter. For superconducting wires with diameters below similar to 50 nm quantum phase slippage is an important process which can yield a non-vanishing wire resistance down to very low temperatures. Further decrease of the wire diameter, for typical material parameters down to similar to 10 nm, results in proliferation of quantum phase slips causing a sharp crossover from superconducting to normal behavior even at T = 0. A number of interesting phenomena associated both with quantum phase slips and with the parity effect occur in superconducting nanorings. We review recent theoretical and experimental activities in the field and demonstrate dramatic progress in understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures.
机译:金属纳米线的超导特性可能与块状超导体的特性完全不同,这是由于阶跃参数的热和量子涨落起着主导作用。对于直径小于50 nm的超导线材,量子相滑是一个重要的过程,可以在低至极低的温度下产生不消失的导线电阻。对于典型的材料参数低至10 nm左右,导线直径的进一步减小会导致量子相滑移的扩散,甚至在T = 0时也会导致从超导到正常行为的急剧交叉。与量子相相关的许多有趣现象在超导纳米环中发生滑移并具有奇偶效应。我们回顾了该领域的最新理论和实验活动,并展示了在理解准一维纳米结构中超导现象方面的巨大进步。



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