首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Beam deposition model for energetic electron transport in inertial fusion: Theory and initial results

Beam deposition model for energetic electron transport in inertial fusion: Theory and initial results


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A new model is proposed for calculation of the effect of energetic electron transport in inertial fusion. Regions of large temperature gradient are approximated as sources of monoenergetic electron beams which then scatter and deposit their energy in the plasma. For short mean free path, one recovers the classical theory. In regions of high temperature gradient, the model seems to describe nonlocal heat deposition and flux inhibition in qualitatively the same way as much more cumbersome Fokker-Planck simulations. Furthermore, the model contains virtually no free parameters. Finally the effect of this nonlocal deposition and flux inhibition is calculated for laser pellets imploded with Megajoule class lasers. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics. [References: 26]
机译:提出了计算惯性聚变中高能电子输运影响的新模型。温度梯度大的区域近似为单能电子束的源,然后将其散射并沉积在等离子体中。对于短的平均自由程,可以恢复经典理论。在高温梯度区域中,该模型似乎以定性的方式描述了非局部热量沉积和通量抑制,这与繁琐的Fokker-Planck模拟一样。此外,该模型实际上不包含自由参数。最后,对于用兆焦耳类激光爆破的激光颗粒计算了这种非局部沉积和通量抑制的影响。 (C)2004年美国物理研究所。 [参考:26]



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