首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Plasma screening effects on resonant Compton scattering of photons by hydrogenic ions in strongly coupled plasmas

Plasma screening effects on resonant Compton scattering of photons by hydrogenic ions in strongly coupled plasmas


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Plasma screening effects on resonant Compton scattering of photons by bound atomic electrons from the ground state of hydrogenic ions in uniformly distributed strongly coupled plasmas are investigated. The interaction energy in strongly coupled plasmas is given by the ion-sphere model potential. The screened radial atomic wave functions and energy eigenvalues for the 1s and 2p states of the target hydrogenic ion in strongly coupled plasmas are obtained by the variation and perturbation methods. The transition matrix element near resonance is obtained by the lowest-order photon-perturbation Hamiltonian in the electronic dipole representation. The resonant Compton scattering cross section including the plasma screening effect is found to be smaller than that neglecting the plasma screening effect since the resonance frequency is increased due to the plasma screening effect. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-664X(00)04606-1]. [References: 19]
机译:研究了等离子体屏蔽对均匀分布的强耦合等离子体中氢离子基态结合的原子电子对光子共振康普顿散射的影响。强耦合等离子体中的相互作用能由离子球模型电势给出。通过变化和扰动方法,获得了强耦合等离子体中目标氢离子的1s和2p态的筛选径向原子波函数和能量本征值。共振附近的过渡矩阵元素是通过电子偶极子表示中的最低阶光子扰动哈密顿量获得的。发现由于包括等离子体屏蔽作用,共振康普顿散射横截面小于忽略等离子体屏蔽作用的横截面,这是因为由于等离子体屏蔽作用而增加了共振频率。 (C)2000美国物理研究所。 [S1070-664X(00)04606-1]。 [参考:19]



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