首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Regimes of the interactions of high-intensity plane electromagnetic waves with electron-ion plasmas

Regimes of the interactions of high-intensity plane electromagnetic waves with electron-ion plasmas


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A set of fully nonlinear equations is derived from the Maxwell equations and the electron and ion fluid dynamics in one-dimensional geometry as a model of the interactions of extremely intense plane electromagnetic waves with cold locally non-neutral electron-ion plasmas. The problem is solved for phase velocities close to the speed of light numerically and with the help of asymptotic techniques. Depending on the field magnitudes, three nonlinear regimes are found to occur in the system. At plane-wave intensities inducing relativistic electron fluid dynamics but insufficient to cause significant ion motions, the model reverts to the classic Akhiezer-Polovin problem and yields its solutions describing the nonlinear self-modulation of the electromagnetic fields in plasmas. The types of regimes sustained at field strengths entailing substantial ion dynamics are the self-modulation with a splitting of the plane-wave field spectrum into a set of closely spaced bands, and the harmonics generation with a spectrum comprising broadly distanced bands. The latter two regimes correspond to a subcritical and an overcritical range of the plasma longitudinal field potentials. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
机译:麦克斯韦方程组和一维几何形状中的电子和离子流体动力学是一组非常非线性的方程组,它是极强平面电磁波与冷局部非中性电子离子等离子体相互作用的模型。通过渐近技术,在数值上接近于光速的相速度解决了该问题。根据场的大小,发现系统中出现了三种非线性状态。在平面波强度引起相对论性电子流体动力学但不足以引起明显的离子运动的情况下,该模型恢复为经典的Akhiezer-Polovin问题,并给出了描述等离子体中电磁场的非线性自调制的解决方案。在场强下需要大量离子动力学的状态类型包括:将平面波场谱分成一组紧密间隔的频带的自调制,以及由包含宽距离频带的频谱产生的谐波。后两种状态对应于等离子体纵向场电势的亚临界和超临界范围。 (c)2008年美国物理研究所。



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