首页> 外文期刊>Physics of plasmas >Electron surface acceleration on a solid capillary target inner wall irradiated with ultraintense laser pulses

Electron surface acceleration on a solid capillary target inner wall irradiated with ultraintense laser pulses


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When ultraintense laser pulses irradiate solid targets with a large incident angle, quasistatic magnetic and electric fields are induced, which confine electrons along the target surface in an electrostatic and vector potential well. In this case, electrons are resonantly accelerated along the surface by laser electric field inside the potential well. By this surface acceleration process, high energy electrons are effectively generated whose temperature well exceeds the ponderomotive energy. The optimum conditions for realizing surface acceleration and its energy scalings are given. Capillary type targets are shown to have an advantage in utilizing the surface acceleration process by increasing the interaction length. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
机译:当超强激光脉冲以大入射角照射固体目标时,会感应到准静态磁场和电场,从而将电子沿着目标表面限制在静电和矢量势阱中。在这种情况下,电子通过势阱内部的激光电场沿表面共振加速。通过该表面加速过程,有效地产生了高能电子,其温度远远超过了动能。给出了实现表面加速度及其能量缩放的最佳条件。毛细管型靶标显示出通过增加相互作用长度在利用表面加速过程中具有优势。 (C)2007美国物理研究所。



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